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I was in the woods a couple minutes away from the set of cabins that me and my friends lived in. " Hey Oli," Kyra said as she walked up to me. "Thought you might want to know that some of our outside 'birds' spotted you twin, Alex, with Clancy Grey outside one if the safe houses of the east of Main," she continued. What the hell was my sister doing with Clancy? She cant be working with him, can she? "Tell them to look into it but do not engage," I replied and Kyra smiled before walking off. There was no way Alex would work with him, unless she isn't given a choice about whether or not she wants to work with him. 

A couple hours passed and I finished up cutting firewood and I was about to head back to my cabin when my best friend Ari stopped me. "I've got news on your sister," he greeted me. "Well what is it, I haven't got all day Ari," I replied. "She isn't working with Clancy, well at least not willingly, " he started. "So, he is holding her captive?" I asked, probably already knowing the answer. "Yeah and he has been for the last 2 months and he's been making her go on deadly missions for the government that are basically death wishes," he finished. "We have to help her," I said. "How?" He asked. "I don't know yet but I'll think of something. Go rally up the troupes and we'll come up with a plan," I finished before picking up the firewood and heading to my cabin to changed.

After I changed I headed to the meeting room to see everyone else there and I was greeted my Kyra. "We've briefed them all on what's happening," she said and I nodded in reply. I opened my mouth to start planning but before I could say anything a blue van pulled up outside the meeting room. Who the hell were these guys. 

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