My Sisters ( my cat is up there)

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Guys I kid you not, I have never been more proud of my sisters than I am right now. So here's a little background for this story. After I discovered Hamilton, like everything else I like, I made sure the twins could experience its awesomeness too. By now, they know the basics for some of the songs but the ones they like the most are the personally dubbed "King George Songs, in this case I Know Him. They like Hamilton but are not nearly as obsessed as I am with it. So tonight I was surprised to hear singing coming from the guest room. Honestly at first I thought they just had no idea how to properly sing the lyrics and (I fell asleep in the middle of writing this so this is me picking it up at 6 in the morning) so I yelled from the bathroom "Guys! You're doing it wrong! Those are not the lyrics!" Only for moments later to have them come stampeding in laughing histerically (lol idk how to spell that). So here I was about to lecture them about singing Ham Ham songs correctly when I was stopped by one of them who wanted to tell me what had happened in the other room. I'm lazy and am not going to recreate the convo like I normally would, but here's basically what happened. So apparently my mom sneezed like 7 times and it was rly adorable (the twins are still laughing while telling me this) so she said "See, now you know where you guys get your cute sneezes from." AND THEN THEY STARTED IMPROV SINGING! They took the tune from I Know Him and made up this (Kirsten wanted me to say she came up with most of it and she will be reading this so here):

I know her, that can't be
That's that, little girl who used to sneeze
All those years ago, what was it? 85
That poor girl she's gonna sneeze 'till she dies!

Sniffles rise!
Tissues fall!
Next to Rae she looks very small!
And when push comes to shove, she will sneeze very cutely like a kitten when it purrs!

La da da dat da! Da dat da da day a da da da da day a da!

I am so proud! I know they still got the lyrics a little mixed up, but you have to admit for improv it was really cool. Btw my mom is much shorter than me hence the "next to Rae she looks very small" 

That's all for today, I know this one was pretty long but I still have maybe two more things to say. One, I will try to update this once a week, and two I'm going to end this with a joke. So sorry about this.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

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