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LINA FROWNED when she noticed Annabeth had leaped off the chariot before it could have touched the ground. Her mind whirling as she recounted dozens of injuries that the girl could have received had she not been more careful. Lina was broken out of her worrying however as soon as she saw Annabeth pull out her knife. We don't want these kids to die. The girl silently scolded her friend as she hurried after her.

"Where is he?" Annabeth demanded from the group. She knew the blonde was almost never like this. However the disappearance of Percy Jackson had set everyone on edge

"Where's who?" the blonde asked back.

At this Lina's shoulders slumped. They had been led astray once again. Sighing she figured it was time she spoke up.

"What about Gleeson? Where is your protector. Gleeson Hedge?" her voice came out soft but she knew they had heard her as the looked as if they hadn't noticed her there before.

It took a bit of time but the other male, the Latino boy with curly hair, cleared his throat, "He was taken by some...." It seemed he was stuck.

Seeing his difficulty the girl with choppy hair spoke up, "He was taken by some tornado things." Her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Venti." The blond spoke again. "Storm spirits."

At this both Annabeth and Lina narrowed their eyes. "You mean anemoi thuella? That's the Greek term." Annabeth spoke as she studied the blonde.

"Actually who are you, and what happened here?" Lina couldn't help but ask as she crossed her arms over her chest.

At this the blonde tried his best to explain, she could see however that he was having trouble both recounting the story and meeting Annabeth's eyes. The latter made Lina snicker a bit. About halfway into the story Lina felt Butch come up behind them and she instantly relaxed feeling safe knowing he was watching their backs.

When the blonde had seemingly finished his story, Lina could see that Annabeth was furious.

"No, no, no!" Annabeth yelled at the sky. "She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer."

Lina glanced down at the ground, she could feel tears pricking in her eyes and she willed herself not to cry. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard Butch's voice.

"Annabeth, Lina. Look at him." he grunted as he pointed at the blonde's, Jason's, feet.

As soon as Lina realized what Butch was pointing out she let out a sharp gasp. "It's him. The guy with one shoe. Oh my Gods, he's the answer."

Lina could feel Annabeth's sharp glare, but Lina could only stare at the blonde. "No, Li. He can't be. We were tricked."

Lina felt Annabeth's anger as she once again turned up to the sky. "What do you want from us?" she screamed. "What have you done to him?" Lina could hear her choking back a sob.

The skywalk shuddered and Lina could hear the horses whinnying urgently.

"C'mon Anna we need to go. Let's get these three back to camp and see what happens. We could get attacked again." Lina urged her friend, her hand going to play with her charm bracelet.

"Fine Lina." Her anger only just being suppressed by the thought of being attacked again. "We will settle this later." Lina could see Annabeth glaring harshly at Jason before marching angrily back to the chariot.

"What's her problem?" Lina could hear the girl with choppy hair ask. "What's going on?"

"Seriously." the boy with curly hair scoffed.

Lina missed what Butch told them, at least she assumed he told them something because she heard Jason's voice next.

"I'm not going anywhere with her. She looks like she wants to kill me." His voice rang through the air.

At this Lina turned around an air of indifference could be felt around her. "Believe me killing you is the furthest thing on her mind right now." she said as she twirled a piece of her hair around her finger.

"Yeah Annabeth is okay you just gotta cut her some slack. She was told to come here and find the one with the missing shoe. It was supposed to be the answer to her problem." Butch cut in giving Lina a pointed look as he explained to the three.

"What problem?" Choppy hair asked.

"She and Lina have been looking for one of our campers, that has been missing three days. They're both super worried. Although Annabeth is a bit more." Butch explained further

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Her boyfriend and my best friend," Lina beat Butch to it. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes once again "His name being Percy Jackson." She finished softly before walking back and boarding the chariot. The others following not far behind her.

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