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IF LINA HAD a dollar for every time she felt like banging her head on a concrete wall she would probably only have like five dollars. And she would have that money thanks to the one and only senior head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin Drew Tanaka. Now Lina wasn't one to hate people, she thought everyone had at least a pinch of good inside them. Drew however made the girl consider murder might be a good idea.

So when she saw the girl step forward from the crowd, Lina had to bite her lip to keep from letting out a groan. She did however roll her eyes at the child of Aphrodite.

Lina could see from the way Drew looked at the three, that she didn't like Leo or Piper. The latter who received a glare from Drew. She did stare at Jason almost as if she had decided he was worth her time.

"Well," Drew said, curling her lip, "I hope they're worth the trouble."

At this Lina became angry and was about to move forward to tell Drew off but Will held her back. So she settled for a low growl, warning the girl.

Drew gave a small glance to Lina but quickly brought her eyes back to the three as Leo spoke. "Gee, thanks. What are we, your new pets." he snorted.

"No kidding." Jason spoke up. "How about some answers before you start judging us—like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?"

Lina could see a shadow of doubt pass over Piper's face but before Lina could ask what was wrong Annabeth spoke.

"Jason," Annabeth said. "I promise we'll answer your questions. And Drew"—Lina could see Annabeth frowning at Drew—"all demigods are worth saving. But I'll admit, the trip didn't accomplish what I hoped."

"Hey," Piper said, "We didn't ask to be brought here."

Lina watched Drew sniff. "And no one wants you, hon. Does your hair always look like a dead badger."

"Drew I will literally make your makeup melt off if you don't shut up." Lina stepped forward shaking off Will's arm.

"Lina, stop." Annabeth's voice rang out.

Lina did stop only because Annabeth was her friend. It didn't make the feeling of wanting to punch Drew in the face go away. And Lina stood there trying to unclench her hands.

"We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome," Annabeth said, with a glare at Drew. "We'll assign them each a guide, give them a tour of camp. Hopefully by the campfire tonight, they'll be claimed."

"Would someone tell me what claimed means?" Piper asked and Lina threw the girl a soft smile.

Suddenly a gasp went through the crowd and Lina noticed the holographic image floating over Leo's head —a fiery hammer.

"That," Lina said pointing at the hammer. "Is claiming."

"What'd I do?" Leo backed up towards the lake. He glanced up and yelped. "Is my hair on fire?" He ducked but the symbol followed him. Lina had to stifle a laugh as she looked at what he was doing.

"This can't be good," Butch muttered. "The curse—"

"Butch, shut up." Lina and Annabeth said. Lina's sounding more like a hiss. Annabeth continued speaking. "Leo, you've just been claimed—"

"By a god," Jason interrupted. "That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?"

Lina stiffened and turned to to look at him.

"Jason," Annabeth said carefully, "how did you know that?"

"I'm not sure."

"Vulcan?" Leo demanded. "I don't even LIKE Star Trek. What are you talking about?"

Lina had to hold back a laugh. Something she seemed to have to do a lot around the boy.

"Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus," Annabeth said, "the god of blacksmiths and fire."

The hammer had faded but Lina saw Leo still swatting at the air. "The god of what? Who?

Annabeth turned to where Will stood. "Will, would you take Leo, give him a tour? Introduce him to his bunk-mates in Cabin Nine."

"Sure, Annabeth."

Annabeth then turned to Lina. "You should go with them maybe it'll be better with the two of you."

Lina only shook her head. "I'm gonna go to the shooting range, work on my accuracy and other stuff." Lina grinned widely.

"What's Cabin Nine?" Leo asked. "And I'm not a Vulcan!"

"C'mon, Mr Spock (Lina let out a loud snort at this), I'll explain everything." Will put a hand on his shoulder and steered him towards the cabins. Lina waved at his shrinking figure.

Lina was lost in thought, itching for this whole meeting to be over. Wanting to feel her bow in her hand and the arrow as she let it go, gliding sharply in the air. Cutting through the winds and then the satisfying sound once the arrow made contact with the target.

"Hold out your arm." Annabeth's voice shook her from her imagination. Lina turned around to see Jason holding out his arm as Annabeth had instructed him to. What really caught her attention were the marks on his skin, a tattoo of a dozen straight lines and over it an eagle with the letters SPQR.

Lina gasped and walked closer, grasping his arm in her hands. She ignored the look of surprise Jason gave her. "I've never seen marks like this," Lina told Annabeth. "Where did you get them?" she asked Jason.

Jason only shook his head. "I'm getting really tired of saying this, but I don't know."

"They look burned into your skin." Annabeth noticed.

"They were," Jason said. Then he winced as if his head was aching. "I mean ... I think so. I don't remember."

Lina stepped back letting Jason's arm go as she looked at Annabeth. After a while of the two looking at each other Annabeth cleared her throat as the other campers waited for their verdict.

"He needs to go straight to Chiron," Annabeth decided. "Lina will you—"

Annabeth broke off as Lina gave her look. Lina really needed to let of some steam.

"Fine," Annabeth sighed. "Drew, would you—"

"Absolutely." Drew's voice made Lina sick. Figuring that they no longer needed her presence Lina hurriedly walked off to the shooting range. Unaware of a set of eyes following her figure until an annoying girl pulled him away.

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