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"So, you're telling me, you want me to protect Elena from Klaus?" I clarified, leaning on the kitchen bench at the Gilbert residence.

"Precisely," Damon said as he chopped some vegetables.

"Why me? Why should I care what happens to her?" I said, glancing at Elena who stiffened.

"Let me break it down for you. Lottie loves family. Lottie protects family. Elena is family. Lottie protects Elena," He said, dimming his eyes at me.

"She may mean something to you, but she's nothing to me. After the fight between you and Stefan, she's lucky I haven't dragged her to Niklaus myself," I spat.

"Lottie, I know you don't like me because I came between Damon and Stefan. I honestly didn't-"

"-Don't day you didn't mean to. Elena, you find a way to make everything about you. Damon and Stefan are fighting? It's not over stupid brother business, it's about you. Klaus won't leave town? That's because of you. Bonnie's angry and upset that you made Jeremy leave town? That was Damon- Oh, wait. Nope, that was also you," I couldn't help but blurt out.

"I wouldn't mind helping you. It's just that you're the cause of all of the problems we have. Being your 'personal bodyguard' is like a witch casting a hex on me," I added before storming out.

Slamming the front door, I took a deep breath, leaning my back against it. Inside, I could hear Damon talking.

"I don't know what her problem is. She's been so angry these last few days. She is a little psycho at times, just don't let it phase you," He spoke to Elena.

Psycho? Psycho?! If that's what you want, you got it.

Seeing a soccer ball laying on the grass, I walked over to it, twirling it in my hands. I then went further into the yard so I could peep into the kitchen window. Raising my arm, I threw the ball with all the might I had.

The window shattered, glass and wood sprayed across the kitchen. After ducking, Damon stood up straight, locking eye contact with me. I winked and gave him a smile before running off.


"My favourite Mikaelson's! How do you do?" I asked, strolling towards Elijah and Rebekah who looked deep into a conversation.

"Lottie, are you okay?" Rebekah asked, widening her eyes at me, grasping her shoulders. I nodded my head, confused with her sudden concern of me.

"Charlotte, take a seat," Elijah said, his eyebrows furrowed. He placed a hand around my waist and the other on my elbow, guiding me to the couch.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I was contact a witch today who informed me of something," Elijah said, glancing at Rebekah, "-Apparently the witches can sense an evil spirit coming to Mystic Falls. We have no idea what it is, but they did warn me. They said it's coming for us," He added.

"You believe the witch... Why?"

"She's an old family friend who helped us when we were running from Mikael. She had grown rather close with Elijah. I suppose she couldn't bare the thought of her beloved Elijah getting hurt," Rebekah teased.

"Ooo, Elijah! I didn't know you got friskay with a witch!" I played along, emphasising my pronunciation of "frisky".

"Girls, please. This is serious. My friend drew these symbols that kept showing in her dreams around the time she sensed darkness," Elijah said, sliding a few sheets of paper towards me that had a few sketches on them.

One almost looked like a charcoal artwork. It was a demonic face. The second was a simple drawing of the full moon. I looked at each with a frown, clearly interested.

"What does this mean?" I asked, my hands skimming two words printed at the bottom.

"Tueur and lune. French words for 'killer' and 'moon'," Elijah immediately replied.

I closed my eyes, knowing this sounded so familiar. I racked my brain but couldn't recall anything.

"I know this from somewhere. If the witches can sense it, it's obviously witch related. Unfortunately for you guys, fortunately for me, your mother was the original. Where would I find a copy of her grimoire? Whilst I search it, you two keep your eyes peeled for anything else a witch may use," I ordered.

"How come you get the easy job of reading mumsy's old diary?" Rebekah rolled her eyes.

Sometimes the attitude of this girl drove me insane, yet I wouldn't trade her for the world.

"Because if it's some kind of spell that I think I've seen before, I'll recognise it before you or Elijah would," I clarified.

"Rebekah, just start searching," Elijah finally spoke.

With that, we all head towards the stairs, ready to tear the place apart in order to find a meaning behind this... this prophecy.


"All I've found is cobwebs, cobwebs and oh- wait, no, more cobwebs!" Rebekah complained.

"Shut up Bekah! You've been complaining all day. If we want to find answers, we will have to make sacrifices. I'm so sorry that your pretty blonde hair got a little dust in it," I snapped.

"Elijah! Help me out here," She exclaimed, clearly wanting her older brother to back her up.

Before Elijah could say anything, we heard a loud bang downstairs, followed by the sound of objects clearly being smashed.

Within seconds, the three of us found ourselves watching Klaus take out his anger on anything he got his hands on.

"Niklaus, contain yourself."

"I think it's best we leave the tearing down of a house to Rebekah and I," I tried to joke, however immediately shut up when Klaus whipped around and glared at me.

"Did you know Marcel is conspiring with the witches and ancestors who sided with our devious Mother? Of course not. So save me the dramatics and let me be," He spat.

"Let me guess, your mother somehow made a miraculous return and is planning on annihilating you Michaelsons?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Don't get smart with me Charlotte, considering she's planning on putting you down too."

I couldn't help but pull a face. Huh. Mother Mikaelson really is a piece of work.

"Well then, let's come up with a plan. Let me start. We kill her once and for all. It appears you lot failed that task. Oh, side note, she probably has something to do with this murderous moon thing Elijah and Rebekah discovered," I couldn't help but be a little temperament.

"You are too much like Damon," Rebekah said, rolling her eyes.

"What moon Elijah?" Klaus asked, his face turning cold and stern. He clearly didn't like that he wasn't told about this sooner.

After giving Klaus a rundown of what Rebekah and Elijah found and telling him we were looking through his mothers grimoire for some answers, he became furious.

"Calm down puppy dog, we'll deal with it," I couldn't help but role my eyes as I spoke.

"Do not speak to me in such a way Lottie. You know more than anyone that I don't let people belittle me," He snapped.

"Awe, want me to throw a ball?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and frowning before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"I'll see you losers later. I have a Salvatore to apologise to," With that, I turned on my heels and left before I could suffer the repercussions of pissing Klaus off.

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