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Damon and I both sat on the couch together. I had my arms crossed over my chest as Damon fiddled with a finger in his mouth, look deep in thought.

"Why would Ester want anything from Lottie? She's never done anyone wrong," He complained.

"I carried her into their home while she deteriorated in my arms. They all rushed down to help her. All odds point to, that she is of significance to them," I muttered.

"Maybe one of them more than the others," Damon said in complete disgust.

"Don't judge her, Damon. She makes her own choices just like we make ours."

"You're the good brother, you see nobility in everything. I'm the bad brother. I hate everyone. I'm glad she kills everyone who crosses her, otherwise I would."

For a moment we sat in silence, until I broke it. I couldn't help but think to how frail she looked.

"Damon, we've lost a lot of people over the years. But Lottie... If anything happened to her, I couldn't live with myself. I've never seen her look so weak... so scared," I whispered, looking down at my feet before glancing at him.

"She'll be okay. She's a fighter. We both know she never loses. Heck, I pissed her off and she threw a ball at me. Lesson learned. I think Ester should be more frightened of her, than we are of Ester."

Before I could respond, multiple footsteps trailed down the stairs. I look up to see Kol, Rebekah and Elijah.

"Charlotte still isn't well. However we've had a trusted witch cast a spell to stop her pain and slow down the symptoms," Elijah spoke, addressing both Damon and I.

"Do you have any idea what your mothers doing?" I questioned.

"That wretched old hag could be turning her into a frog for all we know. The only lead we have is something about a 'Killer Moon'," At Rebekah's words, Damon stiffened.

"It's full moon tonight. Anything supernatural that requires some power will happen tonight," Damon spoke up.

"So your saying that perhaps whatever state our mother has put Charlotte in, will unveil tonight?" Elijah asked.

"I have no idea. But maybe it's got something to do with her symptoms happening today."

"I'll get onto it and see if any of my witch friends know anything," Kol said, exiting the room.


After a few hours, nothing had been found. We all ended up digging through many spell books, trying to find something. Elijah and Kol contacted every witch they knew, who shut them down quicker than they could blink. That lead us to believe that whatever is happening, is of more significance than we think.

"Isn't there a night-night spell that someone can do to knock her out for a few days?" Damon said, throwing back a glass of bourbon as he watched night fall from the window.

"Damon, don't be stupid," I said hastily.

"I mean- He it's a good idea," Kol said, only to have Rebekah nudge him and Elijah glare at him.

"Is Klaus still out?" I asked, to which Elijah nodded.

"He's gone to see Marcel and Davina. They could know something or know how to find something," Elijah said, folding a dirty napkin he used before placing it on the table.

"You're telling me, that the oldest, biggest and baddest vampires of all, are completely clueless on what's happening, the one time we decide to fight together instead of against each other?" Damon splurged out.

"Don't be such an ass. They don't have to be helping us at all," I commented before Rebekah spoke.

"New spells are created all the time Damon. If we had a way of knowing everything, we'd be using it right about... hm, now?!"

Before anyone could respond, Kol spat his drink of water out, saturating his pants. We all glanced at him, to see he was staring at the stairs.


My gaze followed Kol's, who appeared to be entranced by the stairs. Turning, I nearly gasped.

There, standing on the top step, was Charlotte. Her eyes were shut as if she were still deep in sleep. Stefan and Damon raced forward to her, which I followed in attempts to stop them, however I wasn't quick enough.

"Charlotte, are you okay?" Damon asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Her opposite hand snapped up, gripping Damon's wrist so tightly, his skin paled. With her eyes still closed, she ripped off his grip and threw him across the room.

Before Stefan could react, her eyes snapped opened. With the most ease, she wrapped her hands around his neck, squeezing tightly. Although the fought with all his might, it wasn't enough to get her off.

I went to run forward, however her head turned to face me.

"Move another inch and I'll kill you."

I was no stranger to Charlotte's threats. When she said she was going to do something, she did it.

Her eyes flickered back to Stefan. At first, her brows furrowed in that of sadness and guilt, however it was quickly overpowered by anger.

"I refuse to continue to be suppressed. If you try to step in my way again, I'll end you," She spat down at him. She twisted his neck, letting him drop to the floor in his temporary death.

Her shoulders and face began twitching, while her face scolded. Suddenly, she gasped and dropped limp to the floor.

For a moment, the lot of us stood there, trying to decipher what on earth just happened. I, myself, was completely puzzled. I've seen nothing of this sort throughout my life's course.

"I'm going to point out the- more like ask the elephant in the room. What the fu-" Before Kol could finish, Rebekah smacked the back of his head.

"Use that kind of language around a lady again and I'll be pulling a Charlotte," She scolded him.

"Someone call Klaus right now. Damon, put Stefan on the couch."

Kol immediately reacted and pulled his phone from his pocket. Damon, however, looked defeated and saddened. He was just as confused as the rest of us.

"Why did you all stand there?! You have hundreds of years on me!" He spoke suddenly, once he got up off the floor.

"Why did you all stand there?! You have hundreds of years on me!" He spoke suddenly, once he got up off the floor

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"Damon, none of us expected her to do that. I don't believe that is even Lottie. I think it's our mother," Rebekah said as she walked over to Stefan and Charlotte's body.

"For a second there, it looked like she was fighting whatever is controlling her. She would never hurt any of us," She added, picking the girls limp body up.

"Hurry up Niklaus, we need answers now," I mumbled, shaking my head.

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