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Last night, I was yet again, stuck under the spell from Ester. There was another staged full moon. I had no recollection of what I had done. But the numerous dead bodies laying around the house gave me a fair idea.

My body felt worse this morning. I felt older, frailer. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed the bags under my eyes had deepened and any wrinkles had grown slightly more prominent. The skin protecting my body, no longer looked smooth and youthful. I had grown rather pale looking and had what looked to be a few sunspots. One of my biggest fears was ageing. Of course Ester would punish me with it.

I was currently sat, sipping on some much needed water, whilst the Salvatore's and Mikaelson's discussed a plan.

"I wonder if perhaps, we can find a witch who can manipulate Lottie when she is in her... 'state', the same way Mother is. As long as Lottie acts as though she's under the same spell Mother cast, she won't be suspicious," Rebekah said.

"That is indeed a good plan sister, however, perhaps suspicion is what will lure Mother in," Elijah then said.

"Mother always underestimates us. She won't think we've broken the curse. She'll just think there is a side affect or she's done something wrong," Kol added.

"Well, I hope you can find a powerful enough witch," Damon spoke, whilst Stefan stayed in silence.

"I know a few that owe favours. Let me make a few phone calls," Elijah spoke, stepping away from the group.

"Can someone explain how this will work?" I asked, not being able to put two and two together.

"Well, Lottie, Ester clearly plans your episodes by manipulating full moons. There's another full moon tonight. If we can somehow highjack your head from her, we can control you. By controlling you, you'll do less damage. That will get Ester's attention, because she won't be in your head. Somewhere along the way, she'll appear and we can end this," Kol spoke for everyone.

"One problem boys, Rebekah... How do we put down Ester?"

"We haven't thought that far," Stefan muttered.

"Well chop chop, I don't feel like dying any time soon," I sarcastically smiled before leaving the room.


"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. Elijah's witch changed her mind last minute. It's completely understandable. You're putting yourself at risk against some pretty powerful magic," I spoke to Bonnie, as we all stood around a table.

Laid out, Bonnie had a few spells written on a piece of paper, a couple witch objects and a bowl of Lottie's blood.

Lottie was in an induced asleep on another table beside us. We didn't know when Ester was going to strike, only Bonnie did. So, we had Bonnie put her to sleep so we could control her.

"You're forgetting I'm a Bennett witch. I'm powerful too," She said, glancing at me and pursing her lips into a straight line.

"Where is Niklaus?" Elijah questioned.

"Yeah, where is the big bad wolf? He's been too quiet," Damon said, shifting his stance.

"I need silence, it's almost time," Bonnie spoke softly, looking up to the sky to see that the moon was slowly reaching its apex.

Within a matter of seconds, Bonnie began chanting. The wind outside picked up, making all the curtains flutter and a few random objects shake about.

Suddenly, Bonnie's eyes snapped open. She kept muttering spells under her breath. We all turned to watch as Lottie sat up in her sleep. Her eyes opened. They were completely black. Cold.

She stood off the table and slowly began walking amongst us, staring each of us down. She stopped at Kol, turning her head as she inspected him.

Her hand trailed up and her finger softly trailed along his jugular. He tensed before speaking, "If you wanted me Lottie, you could've just said so."

I heard Bonnie's chants grow slightly louder. Doing so, Lottie dropped her hand and began walking around the premises.

Without thought, she walked over to a vase and pushed it to the floor.

"Is something happening?" Damon asked Bonnie.

"All I can sense is anger and the desire to kill. I'm suppressing it by targeting other objects."

"Who is she wanting to kill?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"All of you."

"Shocker there. Mumsy isn't the most loving," Rebekah spoke up, finally.

Bonnie suddenly gasped, stopping her spells. She moved a few things around on her table, before yelling a different spell.

"What's going on?" Elijah questioned her.

"You all need to leave. Ester has picked up on my magic and she's fighting it!"

"The only ones here she can kill is Stefan and Damon, so why do we need to leave?" Elijah further demanded answers

Bonnie glanced behind us, her eyes growing wide. She began chanting so loud, her nose began bleeding. We all turned to see what she was looking at.

Together, we all gasped in shock. There stood Lottie, looking at the ground, her blonde hair cascading down her sides. She looked demonic. However, that's not what scared us.

It was the 3 white oak stakes in her hand.

"One of the stakes is missing!" Rebekah rushes out, backing away from Lottie.

"Niklaus!" Elijah exclaimed, eyes widening.

"You always underestimate me. How many times do I have to prove; I will always win," Lottie said in a low, emotionless voice.

"You all need to leave! I'm going to lose her!" Bonnie cried out. The weather outside was hurricane like. Everything on the walls had blown off, rain was pouring through the windows.

"No! We can't leave her, we have to fight!" Rebekah shouted.

"I'm not giving up on my sister," I said lowly.

"Our sister," Damon clarifies.

Hi my lovelies! I miss you all!

Oooo, what do you think happened to Klaus???

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