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"Lottie, you've got to be more careful. Klaus can hurt you," Stefan said softly from the other couch. The boys and I were currently seated around the coffee table.

"And I know how to hurt him. He's going to be shocked when he returns home to find that Elijah has been daggered," I said with a smirk, leaning back in my seat.

"How did you manage that?" Stefan ask, intrigued.

"I was angry. You know how I get when I'm angry."

"Klaus snapped your neck! He can't be killed. You can! Am I the only logical one here? Keep. Lottie. Away. From. Klaus!" Damon exclaimed, Stefan and I payed not attention to him.

"You overpowered an original?" Stefan continued to ask.

"He didn't put up much of a fight. I suppose I didn't give him the chance too," I cockily stated.

"He's an original, how did you manage to pin him to a wall?"

"He's stronger. I'm angrier. Let's be honest here boys, Niklaus Mikaelson would never actually hurt me."

"Well he did. He snapped your neck!" Damon said, as if it were the most obvious thing.

"He wouldn't kill me, is what I'm getting at!"

"He is immortal, you are not! I understand our pretend big sister wanted to help us out, but we had it under control!"

"Damon! Niklaus was about to compel Stefan! You can't win against that," My voice began growing quieter as I spoke.

"Yes, we've pulled Stefan out of that pit before. But how many times will it happen before he's gone forever? I'm not willing to take that risk. I have two purposes. One, is to love and care for the both of you with all my heart. The other, is protect you, always. If putting my own life in someone else's hands saves the two of you, I'd do it," I added on.

I thought this would turn into a bigger argument. Yet, I was surprised when Stefan ran over and hugged him. He knelt down a little so his head was on my chest. With one hand, I rubbed his back. With the other, I motioned for Damon to join us.

I embraced the two broken boys into a loving and tender hug. I feel as though they really need to be cared for right now. After all, it's them who fights everyone else's battles. Pulling out of the hug, I kept a hand on each of the shoulders.

"Whether you like it or not, I will always protect you. Even against Niklaus," With that, I decided to close this soppy chapter and let go of the pair. I walked to the front door and turned to glance back at them.

"I'm going to go apologise. Hopefully it will land you two in Klaus's good books so he stops this... series of targeting you pair," I spoke, sending them a smile before walking off.


The walk there was tiring, yet I feel as though I needed it. It gave me time to really just calm down and think of what I would say.

With a loud clang, the doors of the Mikaelson mansion swung open with an easy push. I took a step in with my hands behind my back. I peered forward with my head, spotting all of the Mikaelson siblings talking around a bench top.

"I see you're awake, Elijah," I said.

"Indeed. Although, I cannot miss the opportunity to mention, that what you did was... so unlike you."

"Oh please, it was you lot who taught me that family means most. Perhaps I went about the situation in the wrong way, but don't we all? Let's not forget that Klaus over there, keeps you all daggered for hundreds of years. I simply did it as a warning."

"You expect me, to let you, walk into our home and threaten us?!" Niklaus finally spoke, his voice filled with rage and power.

"I actually came to apologise. I am not sorry for reacting. However, I am sorry for the way I did it. I should've gone about the situation differently."

"You daggered Elijah!" Rebekah retorted.

"And Niklaus snapped my neck! Vampire 101, that's one of the most disrespectful things you can do if it's not in self defence. I don't exactly pose as a threat to any of you!"

I took a deep breath in before locking eyes with Niklaus. He had so many emotions shown on his face. Anger. Fascination. Empowerment. Guilt.

"As I said Niklaus, I am sorry for what I did. I beg of you, to please leave my boys alone. Stefan and Damon do not deserve whatever you're about to drag them into."

"That isn't a decision for you to make," He snapped.

"I know that you put on this facade in front of everyone. But it doesn't work with me. I know that deep down, you still care for me and my wellbeing. With that in mind, whatever Stefan and Damon do, I do. Perhaps you will be more careful if I'm involved. I have vowed to protect the Salvatore's. I will not break that because of you."

"With all due respect-"

"Shut up Kol!" Bekah snapped before he could interrupt.

"We are your family too! Why can't we obtain the same loyalty?" Rebekah asked, looking quite offended.

"You're a silly girl if you think I wouldn't put my life on the line for you lot either. You all have each other. These boys have no one. All of their friends are human. Eventually, nature will take its course and their time will run out. Everyone needs someone to watch their back," I said, sending the blonde a smile.

"I'm in a particularly good mood, so come here and give me a hug," I quickly snapped to her.

With a cheeky grin, she walked over and wrapped her arms around me. Elijah followed closely behind.

He picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles, "You are forgiven, Charlotte."

Kol opted for ruffling my hair opposed to the affection his siblings showed. He's an odd boy, that one.

"Niklaus?" I asked, peering at him with hopeful eyes.

"Don't let it happen again," He seeped, before turning and speeding off upstairs.

Turning around, I was met with hopeful eyes from the other three Mikaelson's. I threw my head back and sighed.

"Do I have to?" I questioned.

"Yes. Now hurry along before he decides to dagger Elijah himself," Rebekah joked, pushing my towards the stairs.

Hello my loves! How are you all?

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