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"Nik? Big bad wolf? Where are you?" I teased loudly as I waltzed towards his bedroom door.

I pushed open the heavy doors, revealing a very distraught Niklaus taking his anger out on a stretch of canvas. He didn't care that paint was splattering all over the floor, or that water was drenching his wooden easel.

"What do you want, Charlotte?" My name dropped off his tongue like venom.

"I just want to talk, chill. What's up with you lately?" I questioned, sitting on the chair beside him.

As I waited for a response, I took note of the very dark and mysterious painting he was illustrating. The night sky gleamed down onto water, looking very dark and mysterious. A mortal would easily question what evil beings lurked in the distance.

"I always think back to when I first laid eyes on you. Your hair was long and dark, always swaying in the wind if it weren't in two braids. In the spring, you loved tangling daisies in them until your father would grouch at you and rip them out," He suddenly spoke. What he said took me by surprise.

"Why do you think back to that?" I questioned softly. Very rarely did he open up to anyone like this. There were very few and selective moments he had done so with me in our previous time together.

"Back then, you were so happy, so pure. Even after you got turned, you were still an angel and dropped to your knee's to help anyone. Back then, I remember you as mine. Now, I remember that you aren't."

"Nik, snapping my neck isn't going to win me back."

"I had a reason for that. I had something to do and I knew you'd get curious. You aren't completely immortal like us Mikaelson's. You can still die. I wasn't going to let you put yourself in danger."

"You've changed Nik. I always knew your dark side and never once judged you for it. I stood by you, no matter what. Now, your evil consumes you. It's the one thing that stops you from being truly great," I tried to stay calm, knowing that if I blew up, he would too.

"I just don't see happiness with you anymore Niklaus. We had our time. We don't need to be so cruel towards each other," I added.

"What would it take for you to rule with me, and finally be my queen?" He asked, finally placing his paintbrushes down to turn and pay more attention.

"Would you give up this whole hybrid army idea?"

I guess I already knew the answer. I just hoped that maybe he would say what I wanted to hear. When he stayed silent, I felt a little bit of my insides churn.

"That's what I thought," I muttered, standing up and beginning to leave.

"Charlotte, wait-" He reached out to grab me, but I finally snapped. I grabbed his arm and used it to fling him into the couch.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me," I spat.

"I just gave you a chance to pour your heart out and tell me you want me yet you'd rather fantasise about your own selfish desires! It's okay to care, Nik. It's okay to want something, or someone. Can't you see that, that is all your family has ever wanted for you? Elijah has run after you, picking up every piece you drop in hopes that maybe one day you'll get your head out of your ass and live a life worth living. Rebekah stands by you, even when you betray her and rob her of her own life and wishes. Kol loves you so dearly yet you choose to treat him as a burden. Where is your loyalty? Always and forever, you say. Except 'always' is only when you want it to be," With that, I turned and marched out of the room.

I walked past the other lot, completely ignoring them. I knew they had a lot to say, considering they would've heard every bit of that commotion. I just couldn't deal with them right now. I came back to town for my boys. Yet here I am, slowly falling into the deep hole I've been in all too many times.

"Stupid, piece of shit," I muttered, slamming my hand on the brick wall of a building before turning and holding the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"What is a pretty bird like you doing out all alone?"

"You, my friend, have picked the worst time to be a delusional and objectifying asshole," As I spoke, the veins under my eyes appeared and my teeth extended.


"What in the fu-," Before I could finish, I was hit in the head with a cup.

Turning, I saw a girl with little to no clothes standing on the pool table, giggling to herself. Without hesitation, I sped and pinned the girl to the wall.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now? What's a little extra blood on my hands?"

"Lottie, that's my play thing! Leave the girl alone," Damon spoke from behind me.

Damon stood behind me in nothing but his jeans and a girl wrapped around him, stumbling with each step he took.

"Your going to kill her anyway. Let me at her," I said, throwing her to the ground.

"Why must you be like this? Where is Stefan? Stefan!" I yelled out, going to trench towards the stairs.

"He's out. On a date. With Elena," Damon said very systematically.

"That is what this is about... Damon, we already spoke about this. Don't let that girl get in the way of you and Stef. One thing is for sure, she knows how to play a man, just like Katherine. She surely has that Petrova fire. Except she's a weak little rat, Katherine is fierce. Would it be bitter to say I much more preferred Kitty Kat?" I teased.

He groaned, letting go of the girl who stumbled onto the couch beside them.

"I'd almost think your jealous Lottie," He shot back.

"Yeah, very much. I just crave to be a human again so I can get shit faced with Damon Salvatore, have him compel me, get naked and then die."

"Ouch, who got you in a bad mood? Let me guess... the big bad wolf!"

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Funny that, I call him the same thing. Except, it sounds more despicable coming from you."

"You know more than anyone Lottie, that I hate puppies."

"You, my friend, are a terrible person," I said matter-of-factly.

"Come here kiddo, pay me out all you want for bring some very beautiful girls over. Join us! I know you want to party with Daddy Damon," He continues, before beginning to dance again.

"This is my song!"

I chuckled before walking forward, deciding to join the party.

Hi guys! I would really appreciate some feedback and comment. I'm really impressed with how many reads this story has.


I only have 1 comment, makes me a little sad. I just want a little validation and feedback!

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