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The rolling hills of home, always such a welcoming sight. I do not think I will ever get tired of seeing them. The way they loom like guards on the horizon. They just look so dangerous, so dark and they give off a 'Enter at Your Own Risk' vibe. You should see some of the looks I get when I start down the small narrow path between two of the hills. Someone once tried to stop me completely and I lost a whole hour of my travel time trying to convince them that I would be perfectly fine. They were really not convinced of my safety at all, which is really quite amusing as just ten minutes into my journey down the path home and I was greeted by my friends. The sparrows and the sky larks, the squirrels and the rabbits, the deer and the horses, all welcoming their traveller home. You see, beyond the Hill Path was a world not everyone got to see, because it was a world that not everyone believed in. 

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