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She lay there fully clothed on the sand, feet facing the shore, her hair fanned out above her head. The tide was slowly, but surely, coming in. However, at this moment, the waves were merely lapping at the ends of her hair, not a danger to her yet. There was something so oddly peaceful, so strangely tranquil about her and the way she just lay at the shoreline, her arms crossed almost, resting on her chest, moving ever so slightly with the rise and fall of her gentle breathing, it was almost as if she were asleep. Her legs were crossed at her ankles and the scarf around her neck was dancing all around in the wind, yet, the wind never affected any other part of her. The scarf was dancing but her hair, that in reality, should too be dancing free, remained perfectly still on the sand. There was not a single sign of concern for the incoming tide on her face, there was not even a flicker of worry or a even a hint that she even knew that the tide was coming in. She was just so...plain. Nothing about her stood out; there was no brightly coloured hair, no fire red maybe, or brightly coloured lips screaming out against the sand, just begging for attention. There was nothing about this girl that would help her to be found if she truly were lost. Nothing about her seemed concerned with anything. She could have just been laying there for the fun of it. Going through something in her mind, passing the time, getting locked in there. If anyone were to walk the clifftop and see her, their shouts of concern in regard to the tide would be carried on the wind and never reach her. Just exactly what she's doing there is a question that will never be answered. She just remained there. Her pale blue eyes were unblinking, glazed over like marbles, staring up at the cloudy sky and her thin pale lips were unsmiling, emotionless. She just lay there, motionless as the sea slowly claimed her.

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