[4] Ambush

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You and Keith bumped into the rest on your way down the hall.

"Why are they attacking and how did they get in!?" Hunk asked worriedly.

Pidge replied, "they somehow snuck in. I'm gonna have to do some investigating on that."

"Why don't we just abandon the ship and move to an obscure planet?" you suggested.

Keith narrowed his eyes and responded, "oh, we're not backing out." You crossed your arms and groaned.

"Let's just try to get rid of all the ones we can, then we can fly the Castle away from this part of the galaxy," said Shiro. "Now, come on!" He led the Paladins down a hall in search for the opening of where the Galra got in. You didn't want to be alone, so you just followed them.

"Guys! I see one!" Lance yelled, pointing his Bayard at one of the offenders. After a few long seconds of laser blasts countering off the walls and such—everyone continued looking. Lance then ran beside you. "Don't worry, (Y/N)! I'll protect you~"

You scoffed. "You're seriously hitting on me during a moment of crisis?"


Lance let out a tired groan and ran ahead. Shiro was leading the group down a hall before Allura messaged him from the Teladuv.

"Shiro! The Galra somehow came in through one of the hangars. They're near the Black Lion! HURRY!"

Shiro nodded. "Hurry up, guys!" He sped through the hallway at a rapid speed. You tried your best to keep up.

"Remind me, why am I coming with you guys if I have no weapon?" you asked.

"'Cuz you're hot and you're like, the cheerleader of the team," Lance responded.

"Plus she'd be good bait," Keith quipped as his unsheathed his sword.

"WHAT—" you screeched but was then interrupted by Shiro.

"(Y/N), just stay in the back for now. And yeah, we need to get her a weapon now that I think about it. Anyone have anything last minute?"

Keith said, "her face alone could stop a truck."

You asked, "okay, is like, your only goal in life to cause me emotional pain?"

"Hey, what comes around goes around." He simpered. Your jaw was agape.

"STOP FIGHTING, GOSH," Shiro face-palmed. The other Paladins only laughed.

Finally, you all arrived at the hangars. The Paladins ran to the Black Lion with no hesitation. There was a crowd of Galra soldiers ready to attack. Some tried to get inside the Lion, but they failed every attempt. Lance began shooting at them and Keith went in and fought melee. The others defended the Lion with everything they had. And you—well, you were just awkwardly existing.

Suddenly, Keith was thrown back. You were struck by him and this caused you to both fall back on the hard floor. You opened your eyes and saw him on top of you. So, you rolled him off. And in that second, you noticed that an enemy Galra was darting toward you with his longsword out—and in that moment, you stole Keith's Bayard and held the offender at a parry. He was much stronger than you so it only lasted for a few seconds until you fell back down again. Fortuitously, Shiro knocked out the foe before it tried anything else.

"Man, what a rush!" You held your head to prevent the headache you were suffering. Keith rose up and looked at you. You looked down at his sword and returned it to him. "Sorry, I had to use it because that thing was trying to kill us. I hope you don't mind."

Emo Is As Emo Does (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now