[8] Space Trip

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You punched Lance in the face.


You said, "sorry, I've been quite stressed out. Someone hand me a fork, please—" But no one would. In fact, they probably locked them all away from you.

"Guys, I've come to a conclusion," Shiro interjected. You all faced him. He sighed before saying, "someone's going to have to protect (Y/N) for most of the time. We can't just have her sit around and be vulnerable to the Galra."

You crossed your arms. "Excuse you—I can protect myself!"

"Oh, really?" Keith blatantly mocked me with his tone. I huffed.

"Yeah!" you retorted.

Out of the blue, Lance objected, "I'll protect (Y/N)~" He suddenly placed an arm around you.

You rolled your eyes and began to count down in a threatening manner. "Three, two, o—"

Lance immediately hopped away before you said one. Hunk chuckled.

Keith leaned against the wall and took a sip of his tea. Shiro continued, "that's why I think Keith is the fittest to protect (Y/N)."

Keith spit out his beverage and began to choke. Coran pat him on the back repeatedly. You only watched in disgust.

"EXCUSE ME, BUT NO—" was all Keith managed to say.

"As the leader of this team, you don't have a say." Shiro smirked. "Besides, what's the big deal?"

This made Hunk and Pidge fangirl. Keith grumbled.

"Besides, it'll be a good bonding experience!" Shiro beamed. You and Keith looked at each other, dead on the inside.

"What? Do you want me to sleep at her door and bark at Lance every time he walks by?" Keith retorted.

Lance said, "HEY! You already do that though—"

You groaned. "Fine, but just until we get the earrings off, okay?"

Shiro nodded. Keith let out a pout and finally agreed.

Pidge pulled Hunk aside and whispered, "OUR OTP IS FINALLY BLOSSOMING!!!"

Hunk squealed like a deranged chihuahua. "I KNOW, RIGHT!?!?" They both spazzed out together. You internally judged them from afar.

"Paladins, we're taking a trip to Olkarion," Allura reported. "Perhaps we could get some answers there."

Shiro nodded and signaled the team to get into their Lions. You said, "yeah, guys. Have fun—" but before you could escape, Keith grabbed your wrist. ". . .What?"

"You're not going off by yourself."

"Aw, are you being protective~?" You dramatically clasped your hands together. "Well, stop it. I'm only going to the pool."

"No, I'm not. I just don't want you going out the airlock and having the Galra track down the earrings!"

You groaned. "Fine. I'll come with you then."

After the discussion, you headed into the Red Lion. You seated yourself and stared out the window. Keith entered the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's seat. Once the engines were enabled, you asked him, "can I play a song?"

". . .Sure." He thought that if he let you have control over the radio, you'd shut up. But he was wrong. So, you played one of your favorite songs.

You began to sing, "I'VE BECOME SO NUMB, I CAN'T FEEL YOU THERE!!!" You headbanged into the back of Keith's chair. "BECOME SO TI—" Then the song clicked off. You lifted your head up. "Huh, wha—"

"I've heard that a million times. Now listen to this." Keith switched the melody to a different one. You heard him screech, "I HAD TO FALL, TO LOSE IT ALL—BUT IN THE END, IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER!!!"

You smiled. Suddenly, Lance said through the radio, "SHUT YOUR QUIZNAK!" You and Keith did just that.

"Anyways, are we almost there?" you asked him. He shrugged. For the time being, you reclined back in your seat and closed your eyes. Around twenty minutes into travel, the destination drew nearer. The Lions entered the atmosphere of Olkarion and searched for a place to land. You were napping the whole time.

After landing, Keith disabled the engines and stood up. He gazed down at you. You were in such a deep state of tranquility. Your hair fell perfectly in front of your face. And you looked so. . .cute. Keith smiled and whisked you up in his arms, walked out of the Red Lion, and arrived outside. The Paladins couldn't help but awe at the adorable scene.

Until Keith suddenly lifted you up in the air and screamed, "BE YEETED!" He dropped you on the ground. You hit the hard dirt and woke up, your eye twitching.

"Keith, no." Shiro went over and helped you up. You only looked at Keith, dazed and frazzled.

"Why—" you simply asked.

Pidge slid over to Keith. "I know you're hiding it—"

Keith was like, "wha—" But Pidge had already disappeared. He shook his head, worried for the poor child.

"Anyways, come on. Let's meet with the Olkari. . .once again." Shiro walked ahead of the group. You trailed behind them. It certainly was a nice forest, a lot of. . .green. Much green. You were still a bit drowsy from your nap though. You let out a long yawn.

Finally, you saw civilization. It must have been the Olkari's village.

"Ryner!" Allura called out happily. They both greeted each other.

"Ah, Princess Allura. So nice to meet you again. And Paladins—" She then saw you. "Keith's sister?"

"The heck—NO!" you stopped her. "No, no. My name is (Y/N)."

"She's practically like Keith though, a little bit more vicious," Lance described.

"Welcome, (Y/N). I am Ryner. Welcome to my village."

"Thanks. . ." you hesitantly responded. Social activity wasn't really your thing.

Ryner smiled. "Anyways, what calls you here, my friends?"

Allura began to explain the situation. It was a bit tedious, so you just decided to sightsee around the town. Keith followed you.

"This place is weird," you commented. Keith rolled his eyes.

"I mean, you're going to be seeing a lot of weird things from now on. Might as well numb yourself to the fact that it's gonna get weirder."

You giggled—which cringed you out because you've never made such a cute sound before. Suddenly, you saw a vendor selling some stuff. You browsed his selection. He was selling some jewelry. It looked really interesting, nothing like you've ever seen before.

"What? Do you want something—" Keith murmured as he turned his head.

"No," you lied. "Get out of my face."

"Gladly," he spat.

As you both faced away from each other, you slowly turned your head his way. He did the same but quickly stopped himself. A blush formed across your face.

This is immature, you said to yourself. Finally, you just left the scene. After a bit, you reunited with the group.

Allura said, "(Y/N)! I explained everything to the Olkari. They're working on a device to maybe conceal the tracking frequency."

"What tracking, what?" you were confused.

"We're assuming the Galra have a tracker for the certain material placed inside the jewelry. So, we're making a special coating to hide it," Ryner shared. You nodded in respect.

"Smart," you complimented.

"Yes, how else would they have been able to find our ship?" said Allura. "We're just trying to make the coating before they track it here. . ."

You were amazed at the technology they had. Better than anything on Earth. The area was also peaceful. Maybe you could sneak in a stroll before the day ended.

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