[37] The Ending

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"NO, WE'RE NOT ENGAGED!" Keith screamed into the microphone of one invasive reporter.

"But, Lance said—"

"Well, Lance is an idiot."

"You got me there."

You turned to Keith. "Can we get back home? These reporters are starting to cause me pain. And not the good kind."

You and Keith only headed to the Space Mall to grab a bite to eat, but that was enough for the paparazzi to somehow track you down and start bombarding you with their useless questions.

"So. . .you two aren't engaged?" they wondered.

Keith confirmed, "NO."

"That's janked," one of the people in the crown remarked. "C'mon guys. Let's pester someone else—WHO'S NOT A LIAR."

Finally, they left you both alone.

You then stretched your arms. "Man, I'm tired."

"Same. Let's get back."

Exiting the mall, you and Keith boarded the Red Lion. Along the way, you couldn't help but replay all the memories of this adventure in your mind. From sneaking on his ship, visiting the Olkari planet, going to Texas, and all the drama with the earrings. You never thought that in a million years—you would be involved with something this. . .exciting. Honestly, you thought you'd be living under a bridge by McDonald's, trying to raise money for eyeliner or something.

Looking at Keith, you smiled. He was the greatest thing that's ever happened to you. And that was a fact.

When you got back home, you saw all your friends. They were just hanging out, laughing and conversing. However, you interrupted that.


"Huh?" They all turned your way.

". . .As much as I hate to admit it, thank you."

Keith glanced at you; a bit confused. "For what?"

"For everything," you replied. "It's just great how all our lives turned out for the best." Turning to Shiro, you reworded, "Well, except for you. You're still the biggest train wreck in the galaxy."

"True chiz," Lance agreed. Shiro only groaned.

"But I couldn't ask for a better group of people to be with. Even if Zarkon whacks us off in the next three minutes, I don't ever regret meeting you all."

Hunk teared up, only to start sobbing hysterically on Pidge's tiny shoulder. She only patted his head in a reassuring manner.

Lance cleared his throat. "I'd like to give a speech too."

"I'd rather listen to the sound of a knife being scraped against a glass bottle," quipped Keith.

You all let out a laugh, except Lance, of course.

"'Kay, I'm tired of being sappy. I'mma listen to some My Chemical Romance. See ya later, losers." You walked out, leaving everyone to their own devices.

It certainly was a good life, even if Zarkon played a negative part in it for half the time. But what else could he really do now? It's not like, he could cause another big havoc, right?

Well, even if he did, you know you'd all get through it. Because there was always somehow an Ex Machina to help.

A few months from now, you found yourself resting on a pleasant little hill in an obscure town in Texas, which your friends decided to have a picnic at. You only gazed at the fluffy clouds, listening to their bickering in the background. You learned to grow accustom to their incoherent screeching.

Keith then sat beside you, putting an arm around your shoulder. You couldn't help but smile.

"(Y/N)," he started.

"Yeah. . .?"

"You're the yee to my haw—"

"And you're the haw to my yee~" you finished.

"Oh, shut up," Shiro cringed.

And that was the end of our story, an emo cowboy and an emo cowgirl—sitting together on a picturesque Texan hill. Because Emo Is As Emo Does, am I right?

The end.




Sorry this chapter was so short, but I've been having trouble with new ideas for it and such lel

But thank you so much to everyone who's stuck with it, and read it, and got this far~ you're the real MVP

*rides off on Kaltenecker*

Lastly, if you enjoy totally chaotic stories with this type of humor, check out my original series: Surviving Specter High: Werewolves 101 on my profile. It's about a normal human girl who finds herself accidentally enrolled in a supernatural high school full of werewolves, vampires, fairies, and satyrs.

Thank you!

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