[16] Vacation

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Keith was in his room. Surprisingly, he wasn't blaring My Chemical Romance. Instead, he was thinking. . .

Shiro came in. "Oh, there you are. I had a hard time finding you because you weren't blasting mu—"

"Shiro," Keith interrupted. "I need advice. . ."

"About?" Shiro leaned against the wall.

". . .I've been feeling—weird lately," he reluctantly confessed. "It seems like (Y/N) and I are starting to not hate each other."

"What's so bad about that?"

"EVERYTHING—" Keith cleared his throat. "I mean, every time I see her—and you better not tell anything this—all I can think about is how. . .cute she looks."

Silence struck for the first few seconds. Suddenly, Shiro broke out into laughter. Keith had a look of confusion on his face.

"Ah, bud. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone!" He smiled, patting his shoulder. Then Shiro remarked to himself, "it's not like anyone would believe me anyway."

Keith crossed his arms. "What do I do about it? I want to stop feeling like this!"

"You can't prevent love."


Shiro shrugged. "Well, why don't you just ask her out then?"

"What do you mean—" Keith raised an eyebrow.

"What I said; see if she is the one for you."

"I don't want to—that'd be awkward. . ."

Shiro began to head back. "Fine, whatever you want. But maybe a date would be good for you two."

Keith fumed, "why. . ."

"Because you're both exactly alike? I mean, think about it. It's obvious."

"I don't want to—get out of my room, old man!"

Shiro saluted him in a jesting manner before exiting. Keith was left more annoyed than ever.

Last time I ask him for any advice. . . Keith just stayed there, still in thought.

Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen. Obviously, you were sharpening some forks. This time—it wasn't for fun, you were stress-sharpening. Your mind was like an unsolved puzzle, new feelings were erupting. You were anxious about it, and frankly a little scared. You knew you were starting to like Keith, but that was the door to all kinds of drama. You wanted to avoid it at all costs.

Then Allura came in. You decided to seize your opportunity to talk to her. After 10,000 years, she has to be wise—right? Even though she was frozen through most of it. . .

"Hey!" you called out. Allura spun to you.

"Oh, hello, (Y/N)! How are you feeling today?" she asked with a kind smile.

"Not that great, honestly. Could we talk?"

"Sure. What about?"

"Keith," you answered in a shy tone.

"Ohhhh." Allura's mature expression transitioned into a smug smile. "I see. Go on~"

"I think I'm starting to like him, 'cause like, all I think about when I'm with him is. . .not pure hatred! WHY—"

Allura passed you a relaxing cup of tea. "Okay, okay. It's simple, (Y/N)! You're starting to like him. And I bet he feels the same way."

You hissed upon hearing the truth. Her words were like kryptonite—numbing your very existence with each statement. "Never lie to my face again, Allura." You got up and left. Allura only hid the pain.

Emo Is As Emo Does (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now