[6] Friendship...?

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Hunk arrived in the kitchen only to see you sitting on the surface of the counter, sharpening a fork with a kitchen knife.

"Oh, hello, Hunk," you casually started. He smiled nervously.

"Uh, hi—if I may ask, what are you doing to the silverware. . .?"

You hopped down and began placing the forks back in its correct cabinet. "It's only a little hobby of mine." You smiled. Hunk rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, well, uh. . .how was training with Keith?" Hunk started doing the dishes. You helped him.

"Meh. He's uptight."

"He's actually a really nice person once you get to know him. I mean, you two would probably have a lot in common!"

"Oh, really?" you asked with a lilt. Hunk frantically nodded.


"Like what?"

"Uhm, well, you both have parent problems, you both. . .how do I word this? Have deep-seated psychological issues—GAH!!" before he could finish his sentence, a fork was thrown in the wall. He turned to see that it barely even grazed him. "WHA-WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO D-DO, STAB ME OR—"

You headed over and pulled out the fork with a smile. "I got the fly!" The tine of the fork you held had a housefly jabbed into it. Hunk shook with fear and relief. He clutched onto his heart. You headed over to the sink and started to give the utensil a thorough wash

"Oh, gosh. I mean, thanks? Anyways, as I was saying—"

The door then opened up. Keith came in. You turned to see him—and you both said, "oh, it's you," in unison.

Keith rolled his eyes dramatically and walked over. Hunk started, "hey! You guys should try to actually be friends sometime."

"No way," you huffed. Keith facepalmed.

Hunk put his hands out. "Aw, come on! What if you two are like, actually exactly the same?"

"We are not. . ." Keith grabbed the nearest fork and began to sharpen it with his blade. ". . .The same!"

"You two share a love over murdering the silverware! Enthuse about that!" he smiled.

You asked, "why are you so hung up over us being friends?"

". . .No reason—"

Pidge then came in. "Hey, Hunk! Oh, and the emo duo!"

". . ." you and Keith were silent. Pidge suddenly slid across the floor next to Hunk and whispered,

"Any progress with the Keith and (Y/N) ship?"

"No, they're so hesitant!" he quietly screamed back. Pidge tightened her fist in aggravation.

You fell backward on the couch with Keith. You both sat very far away from each other—nearly falling off the armrests because of it. Hunk and Pidge were secretly plotting together though. They both headed out of the room.

"I know! Why don't we turn out the lights and throw (Y/N) into his arms? He'll catch her and finally see how adorable she is!" Hunk imagined. Pidge placed her finger under her chin and thought about it.

"Or. . .we could dress up as Galra and try to attack her—she'll be so fazed, she won't know what to do. Thus, making Keith enter the room and protect her!"

"Yeah, but like, what if we get stabbed in the process?"

Pidge smiled like a crazed fangirl—yet she still looked dead inside. "IT'S WORTH IT IF MY OTP BECOMES CANON—"

"Pidge, no."

She snapped back into reality. "I know, let's have them go to the mall together and we'll come up—with a nonchalant expression on my face, I'll ask them 'this is a date, right?' just to make them extremely conscious of it," Pidge said all in one sentence with no breather whatsoever.

Hunk spoke a mile a minute, "yeah, because you know how easily defensive they get when someone asks them about their relationship when they're together? I want to fully enjoy their flustered and nervous reaction when they see us, resulting in me saying 'you don't need to be so tense' and like, Keith will probably retort 'why are you so obsessed with us?' and that's where I gear the conversation."

". . ."

Pidge said, "nah, let's just do the light thing where we throw her into his arms."

"Sounds good."

So, they both headed out. You and Keith were just sitting on the couch, casually watching TV. You both pretended the other didn't exist.

"I'm getting something to eat," Keith said as he got up.

"Oh, boy. Thank you for that useful piece of information. Don't get—"

"Shut up," he finished as he went into the kitchen. You only rolled your eyes. As you got up to get something as well—the lights unexpectedly went out.

Pure darkness was now amidst. Perhaps the ship ran into something that disabled the power supply. And in that moment, you were suddenly pushed without warning.

"EEE—" you fell into somebody's arms. Once the lights turned back on, you saw Keith. You were in his embrace, even for only those few seconds. . .it felt warm and safe. Ashamed to admit it, you wanted to be there longer. . . Alright, what was in that space goo to make you think this way!?

Instead of dropping you on the floor like you had braced yourself for, Keith delicately lifted you up and placed you back on the ground. You were a bit shocked that he didn't seize the opportunity to launch you out the window or something.

". . .Thanks," you said, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.

Keith didn't comment. He only blushed and looked away, however you couldn't tell because he turned so fast. He left the room. It was quite awkward after that. However, Hunk and Pidge were daydreaming it up together behind your back.

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