Two in the morning (oneshot)

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Davids pov

I softly knock on the door. Its currently two in the morning. 'please be awake' I silently pray to myself. I hear the lock turn on the other side and take a step back.

He mumbles something about it being way too early before saying in surprise "David?"

I stare down at my shoes, theyre old, slightly torn and dirty. "What are you doing here?" he questions.

My head turns up and I meet his eyes, they widen. "Shit David are you okay?" I ponder the question in my mind, 'am I?'

He seems to take the silence as an answer and gently grabs my hand, beckoning me to come inside. I follow him through the dark of his kitchen, into the living room and up the stairs.

Just as im about to head towards the guest room he shakes his head, snaking his arm around my waist and leads me to his own. He turns on the lamp besides the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he questions, voice quiet, still rough from sleep. Its endearing.

I shake my head no, then yes, why cant I just decide. "Its okay" he says as he has me sit on the edge of the bed. He points towards my clothes "im gonna get you something more comfortable, stay here and get off the suit in the meantime, have you been wearing this all day?"

I nod and shrug off my suit jacket, and begin unbuttoning my shirt once he leaves the room. I get it off, realizing I also still have my shoes on. 'Fuck I must have dirtied his house now' I mentally scold myself as I take them off.

I sit there, unsure what to do. He returns with a tshirt and shorts. "David dear, pants too" I look at him, 'take them off? Now? Right infront of you?' He seems to read my mind, grinning and rolling his eyes. "Its alright, I hope these will fit you anyway" he hands me the clothes and leaves the room.

Unsurely I stand up, unbuttoning the pants and sliding them down. I put on the shorts and tshirt, they actually fit me quite snuggly.

He returns with wine and maltesers, my comfort chocolate. I smile a bit, 'he remembers? He has them here?'

"You look good" he compliments me. First now I notice hes only in boxers and a tshirt aswell. I blush a little, rubbing the back of my neck "thank you, you too Si" He smiles and sits in my previous spot, placing the stuff on the night stand.

"Whats wrong David?" the room falls silent. I hear rain dripping from outside, guess I just missed it. "I dont know.." my voice trails off, unusually quiet.

He pats the spot next to me, and I sit. "I guess im just feeling odd, like im fine, but im not? But I dont know whats wrong? But it feels like theres something?" he gently pushes me to lay down, laying himself besides me.

"Yeah, I know the feeling" I turn my head towards him. "You do?" he smiles sadly, "it isnt foreign to me"

We both lay there in silence, staring up at the ceiling, its comforting. "Did I wake you up?" "dont worry about it David" his hand grazes mine. "I worry about everything" I mumble.

"You dont have to worry about this" he turns towards me, offering a smile. I try smile, it just doesnt reach my eyes,

"So do you often go to peoples houses at two in the morning oor?" he jokes, eliciting a small laugh from me.

I shake my head, "I just dont want to be alone tonight" He nods in understanding.

He then raises himself up on one side, reaching over me trying to grab the chocolate. He grabs it, barely toppling over me.

"You know, you couldve just asked me to get it" He laughs, although it wasnt meant to be all that funny. But it helps me somehow, if he can laugh, maybe everything isnt as bad as it seems.

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