
604 29 15

Simons pov

I stare at the cup of now cold tea, a mindless tv show playing in the background.

Just some attempt at drowning out the emptiness.

I close my eyes.

It never works.

I open them.

Here I am; once again left to think.

No distractions.

No friends.

No lover.

Just me.

A shaky hand reaches out for a cigarette, the other for a lighter.

"Cant hurt" I mumble bitterly.

I light it and bring it to my lips, taking a deep drag.

It burns.

"And theres nobody to care if it does.."

Im stuck, all alone in a house that is far too big for one person.

Im alone.

Thats what happens when you get greedy. I guess.

Focusing too much on fame and money; never enough on what matters in the end.

Not on what saves you from this.

When you are too cowardly. Always fearing for some stupid repuation; not for happiness, of others and your own.

My head feels like its spinning.

I curse at myself; rethinking every foolish decision I have ever made.

Dumb decisions leading to losses.

Thinking of people I miss.

People who dont miss me.

And who can blame them.

I stand up, my body feeling old.

I am old.


With nobody to celebrate with.

Nobody to be with.

Nobody to talk to.

I walk to the balcony, flicking the half finished cigarette over the edge.

An empty laugh rings out; maybe that should be me, maybe I should just flick myself over the edge.

I stare blankly; not focusing on anything.

I hear a knock; startling me.

Who could possibly be knocking at my door.

I make my way down the stairs, quick as I can. Which really could be quicker.

I open the door, ready to tell whoever it may be to scram.

I dont.

Instead I stand completely still. Unable to process what im seeing.

He clears his throat and smiles.

"Hello Simon, Im taking you out for dinner and you cant say no"

I stare at him, is he serious? Is this some sick joke?

We have barely talked for months, if not a year.

I halfly am not even aware what date it is.

"I dont think-" my voice is awfully hoarse, as im not used to talking to anybody really. He cuts me off.

"What did I say dear, you cant say no. So unless you want to go looking like you havent looked yourself in the mirror for months I suggest you let me in and get yourself fixed up."

He looks at me, still with that bloody smile and a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.

I stare at him. Still unsure.


He rolls his eyes "Have you got dementia? Its your birthday"

Hes just feeling bad, hes just taking you out because he pities you.

"And I miss you"

And I look at him, really look at him. Hes dressed casually, still good enough for a dinner. But judging by the bags under his eyes, small cuts on his jaw from shaving and his hair combed back but still a mess; it becomes clear to me how disheveled he looks. How last minute this seems to be.

Hes not okay

And neither am I

But, maybe we can be.


That hopeful glimmer in his eyes returns along with the brightest smile.

And as I lead him in, despite the mess of my entire living state; I dont feel so alone.

Because he is here.

Ofcourse he is, he always is.

Im not alone.

I have him.

(uhhhh i just kinda based this off of alec benjamins song "settle down" (which yall should listen to if you havent), yknow the whole "And no one is there who will care /  When He's 71 / If only someone /  Filled the spaces / He might Settle down" so yeah,, i hope this isnt the worst return after not posting for a whole month holy crap anjdjiojiokdi)

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