Seaside (oneshot)

645 29 2

Simon POV

I lay in bed for another minute, still not ready to face him. Will I ever be?

Maybe I shouldnt have stayed over.

I shouldve just asked to stay at somebody elses.

Curse my drunken state. I bet if I hadnt been as drunk as I was I wouldnt have called him up, no matter how much I really do miss him..

I groan and cover my eyes with my arm. I need to get up and go.

In my rather hangover state I sluggishly get up to a sitting position, my legs over the edge of the bed.

I really hope hes in the bathroom. I look out the window, its not entirely light outside, must be early or just cloudy. Maybe asleep then, I really am not ready to face him.

I tug my shirt on and pants, grabbing my phone and keys and pocketing them. For the last time I look around the room and make sure I havent forgotten anything.

Finally having done enough stalling I silently make my way out the room, closing the door as quietly as possible.

I look around the hall, he doesnt seem to be out here atleast, taking a deep breath I make my way downstairs. As quietly as possible I move to pass the kitchen, until I hear faint music playing.

Oh fuck.


Hes awake.

And hes in the kitchen.

I bite my lip, contemplating just running out the door.

Yet despite the dread settling in my bones I decide to simply keep walking, making as little noice as possible.

As I pass the entrance to the kitchen I cant help but peek in. Shouldnt have done that. Against my will I stop, my feet failing to get a move on.

There he is, in a white shirt and a pair of boxers, swaying to the music.

"But I'm just trying to love you" he mumbles along to the song, back still turned to me. He turns and for a moment I panic, thinking hes going to spot me and itll all go to hell again. He doesnt, he just opens his fridge door and takes out a package of something, but I cant focus on what it is whatsoever. Instead, my mind is caught up on the fact that the white shirt he is currently wearing is very much mine.

"But I find it hard to love you girl when you're far away" He keeps singing, and he keeps dancing, swaying, sometimes even doing small spins, grinning to himself.

My breath gets caught as I recall the last time he danced.

In this kitchen

Together with me.

The ache in my heart strengthens.

Suddenly his movements seem to slow down, almost stilling as he quietly sings along, his voice soft, displaying sadness just as the song. "Do you want to go to the seaside?" I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall.

"I'm not trying to say that everybody wants to go" He sounds so terribly sad, I want, almost need to go over and hug him, comfort him in some way.

"But I fell in love on the seaside"

So awfully sad.


In a flash I open my eyes, meeting his for a moment.

I leave without another word.

(its shit, and its quick ig, i havent written in a while either. hope it isnt too bad anyway, im tired as shit and naturally havent checked for any mistakes, yeet bye. also did yall see bgt tonight? I cant fucking believe david stripped like ohfuckingdaamn, I bet simon aint getting any sleep tonight, in a good way.)

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