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S U R I - S I M O N E

"My dear Suri, how is everything darling?" My mother had spoke in her faux english accent, causing me to crack a smile.

I looked into the camera and nodded my head slowly. "Everything's going well, Mom. College is basically college, but I'm still trying to find someone to sign with for modeling."

She sighs and peers into the camera, a sad expression immediately replacing the previous enthusiastic one on her face. "Babe, I know that I've always told you to fight for what's right, and that includes tackling your dreams, but maybe it's time for you to focus on what's truly important here and that's focusing on your education to graduate on time."

It shocked me to hear her say anything like that, being that she was all for helping me achieve my dreams, heck, growing up in the slums of New York, she sacrificed her happiness to allow me to do what I chose to, which is modeling.

After all the hard work and energy put into getting this far, she must believe that that's the right choice, and I couldn't help but agree with her. Modeling is a silly dream, even for me.

"I guess you're right, but it's not something I'm entirely giving up on, just temporarily so that I can finish school. Once I graduate, I would love to get back into it, maybe I'll be in a better space to do so."

She smiles. "That's my girl. And you know that I'm always there to support you in whatever you choose. Speaking of support, have you at least started dating anyone?"

I had a mouth full of water and immediately snorted and choked as I laughed at her. "Mom! I'm twenty three, is it a must that I start dating anyone anytime soon?"

"You're a beautiful, intelligent and bright young lady! It's the twenty first century, Suri, it's okay to date someone every once in a while. My beautician, Ramona, she has a son attending NYU and he's studying Psychology. He's very handsome."

I jokingly rolled my eyes as I grabbed a dish towel to get the water up that I managed to spill all over the counter and the little bit on the floor.

Me personally, I didn't have the urge to enter a relationship with anyone, I'm perfectly fine with being on my own. Simply going out with someone however, I would like, but on my own terms. "I love you mom, I really do, butI don't want to be pressured into finding the right guy right now when I have my whole life ahead of me."

"Time waits for no one, baby. At least take his number?"

I politely decline. "No thanks, but I have an afternoon class that starts at two o'clock."

"It's only twelve thirty, you're just trying to rush me off of the phone." She frowns, but cracks a smile.

I grin while picking my phone up and heading towards the staircase. "I love you lots, I'll be sure to call you a little later, bye mom." I blow her kisses and watch as she waves while I disconnect the call.

I wouldn't mention the thing between Axel and I from last night since it was just a friendly welcoming into the neighborhood. Although, I can't lie and say I don't find him attractive, but he seems to be full of himself.

I wasn't lying about that afternoon class, quickly taking a shower and finding something comfortable to throw on to make it onto campus on time. I grabbed the satchel with my laptop and folders and headed for the door.

As I lock up, I managed to look over at Axel's place and his car wasn't in the driveway, he's probably at work. I looked down at my phone and wanted to text him, but I opted not to and headed into the city, parking in the deck and taking a shuttle to the Kingsley's Earth Sciences building.

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