Ch. 5: Eyesore

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                       WARNING: mature language, slight gore⚠️

By this time I had already finished my fourth lesson and was on to my fifth. My father walks into my study room. He makes me snap out of thought when he suggests I polish myself before the big event. I nod my head in agreeance and head back to what I consider a personal abode. On my way to my room I notice Ava walking down the hall with bedsheets and pillowcases in her hands. Ava's eyes were down as she progressed over towards my father's room, I could tell she was in her own thought. She walks into the room and closes the door. I take action and crack the door ever so slightly, peeking through the slit entrance, I see her making my parent's bed.

For me it was odd to see Ava attending to other people other than myself, because she was so dedicated to me. It was then I realized I was just a small part of the bigger picture. I call out to Ava who was already putting the pillows into the pillowcases, she jolts from the sudden disturbance she didn't anticipate.

"A-Adam, is there anything I can do for you?" Ava questions.

 I tell her about the event my family is going to attend in about an hour from now. Ava sighs and says with a slight smile, "Well then, let's get you cleaned up and looking virtuous." 

I smile back proudly, feeling a weight lifting off my chest, I can only be, vulnerable, sad, furious or happy around Ava. This is what true family feels like. We both head over to my room, Ava was in my walk in closet that was filled with the finest suits. "Adam are you attending a ball, ceremony, or a...."

I intervene telling her don't pick anything to extravagant, I just need something formal. Ava nods her head in accordance to my request. She turns around and starts to rummage through a bunch of clothes. Ava pulls out two suits, the one in her right hand was a full body suit with a light blue dress shirt and a dark royal blue vest that had matching pants to go with it and a black bow tie. The suit in her left hand was a black tuxedo with two accessories, a golden tie and a pocket watch. I study both of them trying to make my final decision, my gut told me to choose the black suit and so I went with my instinct and grabbed the suit from Ava's hands. I walk to the restroom laying my clothes beside the faucet, I proceeded turning on the bathtub, putting my hand in the water to make sure it was nice and hot. While the water was running, I strip of my old clothes and start to dip my foot in the bathtub so I could adjust to the heat. Ava starts nocking on the door asking me if she could enter, I respond back telling her it's fine to come in. She opens the door and takes my dirty clothes, then she comes back into the restroom and grabs a shampoo bottle. I gasped knowing what she was about to do, one of my biggest fears was getting shampoo in my eyes. She chuckles at my actions and cups her hands so the water won't flow out of her palms. Suddenly Ava splashes the water at my face, I frown at her surprise act. Ava splashes me again teasingly, I tell her to stop playing around because I wasn't in the mood for games. Ava plops a handful of shampoo on my crown with a smug expression, I roll my eyes at her antics and quickly close my eyes when she starts to massage my scalp, embracing myself. 

Once she was finished shampooing my hair she splashes the water at my face a couple of times making sure all the shampoo was washed out. 

"Open your eyes Adam." Ava requested.

 "No, I reply, anticipating the worst.

 "Adam it's okay, all the shampoo has washed away, you can trust me." Ava replies with a genuine voice. I listen to her claim and opened my eyes, she was right there was no shampoo left, exhaling in relief I appreciated Ava's honesty, she didn't know that the littlest things meant a lot to me. 

Ava scrubs my back as a finishing touch to the cleaning routine. I put my feet on the bath mat and continue to dry myself off, then I wrap the towel around my waist and grab a miniature one to dry my hair. Finally putting my undergarments on, I go for the the dress shirt, Ava stops me like she always does. "Ugghhh you do this every time," I complain.

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