Ch. 19: Wait For Me

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Narrator's (POV): "Why are you here Nora?" Adam questions, with a puzzled expression.

"I signed some papers and now I get to serve you guys." Nora says with a cheerful smile.

Adam sighs and puts a hand up to his head. "Do you even know what you've gotten yourself into?" The boy questions.

"Ummm, good money?" Nora replies back with a not so confident smile.

"Hell." Adam states, making Nora flinch back.

"Ohhh,.. well at least I'll get paid well. It's really hard trying to run my dad's business back in town. I thought maybe I can take my passion elsewhere and serve delicious seafood to the rich." Nora says scratching the back of her head, a little nervous by what Adam has said so far.

"Money is going to be the least of your concerns, a couple of days from now. Nora, father is not very fond of you and you're a good person. I don't want another person I care about  anonymously disappearing." Adam says with a serious expression.

"Another?" Nora replies back with worry in her voice.

"Yes,...her name is Ava. Everyone back at the castle acts like she never existed." Adam replies back looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear there anything I can get for you young master." Nora says with a warm smile.

"Well I would like some salmon and greens." Adam replies back with a light smile. 

"Of course young master." Nora says, grabbing a spatula.

"Oh and you can drop the formalities when we're alone. It weirds me out." Adam tells Nora.

The young woman nods her head and serves Adam a plate of salmon with fresh greens and fruit on the side. Adam grabs a utensil and takes a bite out of the delicious food. He was suddenly taken back to the time Y/n gave him a piece of fish in town. Adam hums in delight. Nora chuckles at the boy as the both of them started to earn a few gazes from other guest. Adam puts his plate down and fixes his tie, he didn't want unnecessary attention. He looks back up at Nora and a smile graces his lips.

"It's way better than the ginger cookies you gave me the last time." Adam comments, taking some more bites.

Both Nora and Adam start laughing, confusing some of the guest.

"Well I don't really bake pastries. I'm a sea gal." Nora states, with a giant smile.

Just when Adam was about to ask Nora something, Nicholas shows up running towards his brother.

"Adam! We are going to-.." Nicholas stops mid sentence, once he meets Nora's gaze.

"Yessss?" Adam says, waiting for his brother's reply, but Nicholas just ignores him.

"H-hello?" Nora greets the boy.

"M-my princess! Where have you been?" Nicholas ask, his face becoming a rosy pink.

"Princess?" Nora questions. Completely oblivious to Nicholas feelings.

Nicholas walks up to the counter where food was being served by Nora. The boy puts his hands on the table trying to sit himself on it. Nicholas struggles, his face getting redder cause of the embarrassment. Adam chuckles, it was adorable watching his little brother attempting to impress his crush. He walks over to Nicholas and helps him up. Nicholas embarrassment quickly leaves his mind like the wind putting out a flame. He suddenly stands on the table, startling Adam and Nora and pretty much everyone around them.

"Hey Nic. I think you're getting a little overboard." Adam warns his brother, looking at the unwanted audience.

Nicholas on the other hand was in a world of his own. The boy kneels on one leg upon Nora, who was slightly shocked herself.

"The day I become of age, I will marry you! So please wait for me my princess!"  Nicholas protest.

Nicholas words flattered Nora, but as the young lady looks around the vast room her heart starts beating rapidly cause of the attention she was getting.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, y-young master, but I have to go!" Nora tells Nicholas, quickly bowing to the boy and running into the kitchen area.

Adam groans, snatching his brother off the table and carrying him in his arms. "Great, you humiliated yourself and your love ran away." Adam says, in a frustrated tone. Walking away from the crowd. 

Tears fill Nicholas' eyes. Adam starts to hear sniffing, he looks down at Nicholas who's face was buried in his chest. "Does..N-Nora (sniff) h-hate me now?..." Nicholas mumbles out.

A long sigh escapes Adam's lips, he starts to pet his brother's head trying his best to soothe Nicholas. "Nora doesn't hate you Nic, she was just a little frightened by all the nosy onlookers." Adam tells the boy.

Nicholas looks up at him and smiles. Adam was going to scold his brother about what he did earlier, but once he saw Nicholas lovable face he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing.

"So that's why our parents let you do whatever you want." Adam says to himself.

"Huh?" Nicholas hums out.

"Nothing." Adam comments.

"Where are we going?" Nicholas questions.

"I'm going back to a room to look at something... you might get bored. I can take you back to mother if you w-.." Adam was suddenly interrupted by his brother.

"No! I don't want to go back!" Nicholas shouts, catching Adam off guard.

"What's wrong Nic? You've been acting strange for a couple of days now." Adam tells his brother, putting him down, so he could consult Nicholas better.

"You won't be mad at me, will you?" Nicholas questions, looking up at his brother.

"Of course not. Tell me what's been bothering you." Adam tells Nicholas.

"I-I saw Papa hurt you....I didn't know he was going to be mean to you. Mommy and Papa is always nice to me......" Nicholas' sentences become distorted as he started to cry again. "I-It's all mmy fauwlt. (sniff) O-Onwly if I didn't... tell Papa whaat happened, (sniff) youw wouldn't have gotten hurrt." Nicholas cries out.

Adam looks at his brother in shock. He wasn't expecting information like that to come from Nicholas. So this is why he's been avoiding their parents, Adam thought to himself. His expression relaxes as he ruffles his brother's hair. Nicholas stops crying from the sudden action, so he could look at his brother's face.

"I'm sorry you witnessed that Nic, but that's all in the past now. Mother and Father have been treating me like this for a while and it has nothing to with you. You're still very young, so you still need someone to depend on. Don't worry about me Nic." Adam says with a light smile on his face.

Nicholas' sniffing stops, he jumps up to hug his brother, as the boy jumps up his head hits the bottom of Adam's chin.

"OW." Adam cries out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Nicholas ask his brother.

"I tongue is bleeding." Adam comments.

 Nicholas always seems to hurt his brother unintentionally. Aside from the pain, Adam was a little surprise by the gesture, but returns the hug. He was delighted to know his little brother cared about him to the point he would ignore their own parents, yet he didn't want his brother to sacrifice his childhood like he did.

"Ready to go see some of our family's possessions." Adam tells his brother.

Nicholas nods his head in agreement. We both make our way to where he saw his family name.

"This should be interesting." Adam mumbles to himself. Looking at his ancestor's artifacts that his family kept in a glass enclosure.

"Let's find out how this all started, shall we."


Author's Notes: Nic has made a big promise at such a young age. Will he be able to keep it as time goes on. We don't know. While Adam is trying to find out why his family is the way they are. Everything has a origin. 

Thank you all for the love and support. You guys just don't know how much it means to me. 💕

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