Ch. 10:Townsfolk

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                                          Warning: mature language ⚠️ 

Adam's (POV): Man,.... this couldn't get anymore awkward I thought to myself, as my mother confidently stands in front of the door leaning her hand on it's frame, with a mischievous grin. I just hope that she didn't hear our conversation, I watch her intensely, trying to calculate her next move. Mother's mouth opens, releasing a deep chuckle, the pit of my stomach contracts causing a nauseous feeling to dwell in my belly. Ava had a shocked expression all over her face, she looked a little pale. My concern for Ava's being, distracted me from my mother, I didn't even realize she had stopped laughing.

"Hmm, I haven't seen you in a while Ava I almost forgot about you. So this is what you have been doing? Sneaking around the castle and telling my son disgusting stories. Aww, I expected better from you dear,... and Adam, oh Adam I was just about to reward you on being a good, protective older brother, but I don't think I want to follow through my plans anymore. That is why you will still be going into town tomorrow Adam, and I'll be having a little discussion with the lovely young lady sitting next to you." Mother announces with a malicious tone.

"Please don't do this to him, he's just a boy. You can do whatever you want with me, just don't,...don't hurt Adam." Ava defends.

"Ava no!" I speak out.

"Would you look at that, the little maid is being so brave right now." Mother says in a mocking tone.

"Please." Ava says with pleading eyes.

Mother looks at her speculating what she should do.


"Oh, thank goodness." Ava says, relieving her nerves.

"Don't get your hopes up high, he will still be going into town, but with a supervisor to make sure nothing serious happens to him." 

Ava tenses up again still worried for me, but not as much as she was before.

"Now it's getting late Adam and I want you waking up nice and early in the morning, so you will be ready to explore the world that the rats live in, oops did I say rats, sorry I meant the common folk. Ava you will be coming with me." Mother tells the both of us, slowly walking over to Ava grabbing her arm and digging her nails into Ava's flesh. 

I glare at my mother as she walks out the room with Ava, if I could I would choke her to death, Ava and I wouldn't have to hear her corrupt voice anymore. I remember studying about the anatomy of a human's bone structure, lesson 30, I believe the Hyoid bone is located in the neck. Wonder what it would sound like, if I crack it, does it make a satisfying crunch noise? The only thing that was stopping me from committing such a horrific act was what Ava told me earlier before mother barged into my room. Whatever this feeling is, I won't let it take over me.

My lungs tightened, I had so much rage in my body I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath the whole time. I take in a deep breath exhaling all my frustration, I turn my head behind me looking out the window that was beside my bed. The stars outside my window were so bright they looked like mini glowing jewels, all of them had different colors ranging from red, white, yellow, purple, blue and green. I look closely I notice a light amongst the billions of stars moving at unthinkable speed. Is that a shooting star? If it was should I make a wish I thought to myself. Father use to say that wishing and praying is what the weak do, believing some unknown  entity could fulfill their promises. I sit there thinking to myself... 

Oh what harm will it do and who gives a damn about what father or mother thinks. I doubt this will even work, but I'll just give it a try.

"I want something that will make me happy forever."~~~

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