Ch. 6:What a Shame

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I wake up in a bed... wait no, a gurney, why am I here? I thought to myself, then my conscience remembered what unfolded a couple of hours ago. "Huh, I should have beat him to a pulp," I exclaimed thinking I was alone. "Tch." My head started to throb again, I put my hand up to my head, I could feel bandages around my left eye, I look around the room for any type of pain killer, yet there was none in sight.

"No my child, you should have snapped his neck when you had the chance," a familiar voice proclaimed. I sit up and noticed a figure making its way through the drapes and presenting itself. It was mother, suddenly a bunch of questions filled my mind. Where was Nicholas? Did that boy pay for his actions? How did I get here? Mother interrupts my thoughts, "Adam, now look what you got yourself into. My poor boy getting tangled up in mother nature's webs. Did you happen to know the boy by any chance Adam?" 

"During the heated brawl, I wasn't able to catch his name mother, but I remember his appearance like the back of my hand. "Is that so?" mother questions. I nod my head yes, mother became silent and chills started to run up each vertebrae. There was a loud smack that filled the room, mother had slapped me. I yelp from the unexpected blow. "Adam you are a fiasco to this family and what it stands for. He was in your arms, and you couldn't get anything out of him. You must have been a accident when I conceived you. Though I'm not a ruthless woman. I kept you under my ca..."

  "I was never under your care, you never raised me nor did father, all you did was leach off my success and when I would fall you just crumbled my soul under the palm of your hand. So are you proud mother, of the failure you created!" My voice cracks as a tear settles at the brim of my eye. 

"I won't tolerate your foolishness any longer, I will have you visit the streets of the commen folk when your little eye has healed. Keep your tongue in check, or I'll have you dwelling amongst the men of worldly intent."

After the quarrel mother and I had, I lay back down on the gurney. My head felt like a ticking time bomb. Mother didn't even take into consideration that I did all this for Nicholas. If she knew she'd probably be praising me, since Nicholas has always been mother's little angel. Only if there was a person who really cared,...duhhh I have Ava, but where is she? Why was I taken to a clinic, don't we have nurses at our place?

I close my eyes hoping that the headache would subside when I wake up. My mind starts to play the scenarios of what unfolded this afternoon, it was still so vivid in my mind. Almost like I could touch the imagery, my body shakes involuntarily and my ears start to ring. A nightmare sounded adorable compared to what I was enduring. 

~a couple of hours later~

"Young master, please wake up, it's morning. Dang it, he's still asleep. YOUNG MAST-, no, no, that will get me fired and I'm living paycheck to paycheck. Okay what should I do, should I tickle him? I don't know his tickle spot though. Shoot, he's really knocked out, oh my, there's a bandage on his eye. He doesn't look like the type of kid to engage in violence though. Hmmm?"

My eye flutters open when I hear a unfamiliar voice rambling on. I turn around in the gurney to get a better look at the stranger. It was a woman, in about her late teens. She had a heart shaped face, with light brown eyes and plump lips. She had dark mocha skin and red colored  hair that was extremely curly. The curls were tied up into a fun messy bun. I noticed she was wearing our coded uniform that only the maids wore. She was a pretty lady, but my mind was elsewhere. She looked surprised at my presence. If I was her I'd probably be to, I'm the heir of the Brosnan family. "Why are you here? I asked.

 "Yaay, you're awake, oops, I'm so sorry. My name is Nora, your father assigned me to you. It's nice to meet you young master. I have some tea, with eggs and freshly baked ginger cookies." She says with a smile. 

I could already tell from our first acquaintance she was a bubbly person. My assumption was that she hasn't been working with my family for that long, based on her mannerisms, but I know that will change quickly. I was still broken from what had occurred yesterday and I needed to talk to someone who really knew me. My sanity was in the middle of battle with my raging heart, and I know Ava was the only one who could intervene in this war. "Where is Ava?" I asked with a demanding voice. Nora gives me a puzzled expression. "I don't know Ava man,- I mean, young master. Uhhh. Is that like, a teddy bear?" 

My gaze darkens as I was getting tired of her cluelessness. Her expression changes from puzzled to worried. "How long will I be here," I asked. "You won't be let out for another day young master." Nora replies back. 

"A day! That's to long!" I yell at Nora desperately. Nora gives me a shocked expression mixed with concern. "Listen young master, I have no control of this situation. Can you please calm down and articulate yourself in a way I could understand. So I can better accommodate you." "It's not that simple woman." I exclaimed with a harsh tone. 

"Well I'm sorry for existing, jeesh," Nora says with a careless tone. I look at her feeling guilty about my actions, for this wasn't my true nature. "You don't deserve this treatment, I apologize for my behavior. Will you forgive me?" I ask with genuine kindness. My gut starts to growl from the neglect my stomach was given yesterday. I looked to the side embarrassed at my stomach's protest.

Nora puckers her lips to the side in a questioning like manner. "Maybe." I groan, from not receiving Nora's honest opinion.  -"If you eat the food I serve you," she says with a five mile smile. "Fine,.... stop with the smile it's creeping me out." I would normally eat the healthier food on the plate first. It was just a habit of mine, because of mom's incessant lecturing, but Nora was persistent that I try her ginger cookies. I grab one of the cookies that was sitting on my dish, the cookie was a golden-brown color, it made my mouth water. The treat looked delicious, I take a large chunk of the cookie into my mouth. Nora started to form a child like curiosity, wondering what her cookie was like. All of a sudden I feel a extreme burning sensation in my throat. I gag and start coughing up a storm, quickly gesturing Nora to hand me some tea. She snatches the tea cup from the stand and places it into my hands. I chug the tea down my throat, coughing a little bit more. "To much, *cough* ginger. Jesus, Nora, are you trying to kill me?" Nora starts to scratch the back of her head and chuckles a little. "As you can seee... I'm not really a baker young master." 

I smile back at Nora, it was like she was possessed by a little girl. "I'll call you Ms. Lively, from now on." "Whaaa, but young master, ugh. Whatever."

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