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Disclaimer: I do not own Brother Bear! Nor do I own the cover picture. The only character I own is Teyha.

I followed my brother, Kenai, towards a herd a of caribou and watched as he knelt down by a caribou. Unsure of what he was doing, I questioned, "What are you up to, Kenai?" Kenai shushed me, grabbed the bucket, and it looked like he was attempting to milk one of them. The caribou lifted up it's head in surprise and would've kicked Kenai in the face, but he was able to dodge out of the way. This caught the attention of the rest of the herd and they proceeded move.

Kenai ran over to me and yelled, "Run!" I began running down the hill and Kenai soon caught up to me with a herd of Caribou behind us. We saw Sitka and Denahi by the canoes not to far away. I shouted, "Get down! Get down! Get down!" Sitka and Denahi were confused at first, but they soon saw why.

"Kenai! Tehya!" Denahi shouted. They took cover behind the canoes and we joined them. Sitka did his best to shield me while Kenai howled with excitement and one of the hoofs of the caribou knocked Denahi on the head. The stampede soon passed us and Kenai said, "Never try to milk a caribou." Denahi tackled Kenai and pinned him to the ground. He drool slip out of his mouth and Kenai begged him to stop. Sitka rolled his eyes and grabbed both of our brothers.

"Will you two knock it off? Kenai, you need to be more careful. You could've gotten Tehya hurt and this is her first time out hunting with us." Sitka scolded.

"This wouldn't be my first time if you guys would stop being so overprotective. I mean, come on. I'm twelve years old!" I retorted. Sitka glared at me and gave me the 'not helping' face. He tends to give me that face quite often. I give him such a hard time. Don't get me wrong. I do love my brothers. Ever since our parents died, they've always watched out for me. Especially, Sitka. They're my guardians and I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world. I just wish that they would let me have a bit more freedom. It took me so long to convince Sitka to let me come along with them on a hunting trip and I was thrilled that I am finally here alongside them.

"It's alright, Sitka. After today, he won't be treating me like that anymore." Kenai stated.

"Oh right! The big manhood ceremony! It doesn't matter what the spirits say. You'll always be our baby brother!" Denahi teased.

"Oh yeah! Well, wait until I get my totem." Kenai protested. Denahi continued to say baby brother and they would've started fighting again, but Sitka knocked their heads together and said, "Hey! I said, knock it off! Now, the quicker we get these fish, the faster we're going to get to your ceremony. So, let's all just try and get along for a few hours. Okay, Denahi." Denahi agreed and I noticed Kenai slip from Sitka's grasped. I laughed and followed Kenai to the canoe. We both got in while Sitka said, "Ok, Ke-" He paused and noticed that Kenai wasn't there. Kenai yelled,

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

"Come on, slow pokes!" I shouted. Sitka and Denahi laughed and we all shouted in glee. We went down the river until we reached the falls. We went to the shore, climbed down the falls partially, and Denahi and Sitka jumped to a large rock. I grasped onto Kenai in fear of slipping.

"It'll be alright, Tehya. If you want me to, I'll jump with you." Kenai said.

"What if I fall?" I questioned.

"We won't let you fall. I promise. You ready?" Kenai questioned. I nodded and got ready to jump. We ran across the the rock and jumped to the other side. We both would've slipped, but Sitka grabbed Kenai and Denahi grabbed me. Denahi laughed and rubbed my head. I laughed along with him and we continued down the falls. While we were heading down the falls, Kenai nudged my shoulder and said, "See! I told you that we wouldn't let you fall." I laughed and shoved Kenai, which caught him by surprise. I started running down the hill the canoe in hand.

Kenai laughed and chased after me. Once he reached me, he tackled me down and we both laughed. We set the canoes by the shore. While Denahi and Sitka were fishing, Kenai and I snuck off and found a herd of mammoths. He was able to get on top of one and he helped me up. We rode the mammoth towards Sitka and Denahi. We went past them and waved, but Kenai was knocked off the mammoth by a tree branch and he fell to the ground. Sometimes it pays to be short.

Once we were done fishing, we started heading back to the village and while we were canoeing back, orcas were surfacing and I couldn't help but admire them. They were so majestic. Kenai splashed Denahi and he pretended to act innocent, but an orca came up and flipped his canoe. Denahi, Sitka, and I laughed. We helped set his canoe upright and continued on our way.

Finally, we reached the village and unloaded our supplies. I was so excited to see what totem Kenai would get. This was truly going to be a day we would never forget. I just know it.

Brother Bear: Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now