Koda's Outtakes

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Koda: Hi, everybody! I found a whole reel of scenes that didn't make it into the story and I thought that you would want to see them.


The Jumping to her Brothers Scene

Kenai: We won't let you fall. I promise. You ready?

Tehya nodded and both Kenai and her jumped off the rock and made it to the other one. Denahi caught Tehya, but Sitka only grabbed the canoe Kenai was carrying and Kenai slipped and screamed while he fell into the water below. Denahi, Sitka, and Tehya laughed.

Director: Guys, one of you was supposed to catch him.


Tehya trying to save Denahi Scene

Tehya: Kenai, help me! I can't hold him much longer!

Tehya and Denahi both fell. Kenai attempted to grab Tehya, but missed and the two fell into the water below. Tehya and Denahi both grabbed onto the log. Tehya looked up angrily at Kenai.

Tehya: KENAI!

Director: Quicker reaction time, Kenai.


Stampede Scene

Tehya: Get down! Get down! Get down!

Denahi: Kenai! Tehya!

As Kenai and Tehya are running from the herd, Tehya slips and Kenai goes back to help her forgetting about the stampeding herd behind them. They both scream as the herd reaches them.

Director: Can somebody call an ambulance?

Sitka: Who's idea was it to have a stampeding herd behind those two in the first place?


Mammoth Scene

As the mammoth lifted Tehya back onto it's head, Kenai was laughing and Tehya stuck her tongue at him, then she was drenched in water by mammoth, which caused everyone to laugh, then Tehya joined in the laughter as well.


Denahi vs. Kenai fight

Tehya: Kenai!

Tehya jumped onto Denahi's back, but she shifted her weight the wrong way which caused Denahi and Tehya to scream as they both tumbled off the cliff onto the smaller ledge below.

Director: Can someone grab those two and help them back on? We're losing the blizzard.


Cutting Kenai Down Scene

Tehya and Koda were goofing off and playing tag unaware that they had started rolling. Kenai was attempting to get the kids' attention since he was stuck in a tree.

Director: Uh, guys? We said action!

The two stopped playing, but in doing so, Koda had run into Tehya and the three of them started laughing.

Director: Let's take five.

Koda: Thanks, everybody. See ya!

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