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We all gravitated towards the shore. The others said it was story time or something. Tug said, "Alright, settle down, everyone. Settle down. Hey. Don't throw your fish bones there. Someone could joke on that. Look, okay, I'll go first. Okay, let's see. The most interesting thing that happened to me this year. Hmm... Oh. I know, I know, I know. Listen to this. I'd say that it was when I finally knocked down that tree that was blocking the view from my cave. Now I got a family of chipmunks staying at my place." He looked down and I snickered as I noticed that the family of chipmunks was there. He cleared his throat and said, "Yeah. Alright, everybody. Let me see some paws in the air! Who's next? Come on!" He was about to throw it to on side, but he threw it somewhere else.

An elderly female bear caught it and said, "This year I lost my dear husband, Edgar."

"Quit telling everyone I'm dead!" Someone shouted.

"Sometimes. I can still hear his voice." She continued. She threw the fish and a grey bear caught it. He started to speak in a foreign language and we just mildly stared at him when he finished not sure what to do. Then, he laughed and we slightly laughed as well. Koda tried to catch it, but someone else grabbed the fish before he did. They started talking about how the other person was more gorgeous. I rolled my eyes and whispered to Kenai, "Perhaps when I'm older, I'll understand this."

Kenai's eyes widened and he said, "First of all, that kid will have to go through Denahi and I." Then, in a panicked voice, he said, "Second, take your time with understanding that. Take your sweet time. In fact, have that be several years before you fully understand. Remember, you're only twelve. You've got lots of time. Plus, you've gotta give Denahi and I more time to fully prepare for that day." I looked at him strangely not really understanding what he meant and said, "Okay..."

Suddenly, the fish was thrown through the air, Koda shouted, "This has got to be it!" Kenai caught it and tried to give it to Koda, but Koda said, "You've gotta tell it, Kenai."

"That's right. You caught it, you tell it." Tug said.

"Didn't you and Tehya play this game when you were cubs?" Koda wondered. Kenai and I glanced at each other. Everyone cheered Kenai on to tell it and Kenai said, "Okay. Alright, already. Alright. You want to know what my sister and I did this year?"

"YES!" Everyone shouted.

"Tehya and I went on the longest, hardest, most exhausting journey we've ever been on with the biggest pain in the neck I've ever met." Kenai said giving Koda a slight smile and I smiled too catching on to what he was doing.

I said, "What do you expect-" Then, Kenai finished, "From a little brother." We both gave Koda a big hug.

"Okay, buddy. Your turn." Kenai said tossing it to Koda.

"Let's hear it, Koda." Tug said.

"Okay, okay. Here we go." Koda cleared his throat and said quickly, "This year I watched my mom in a life-and-death struggle possibly battling the most fiercest creature on the earth. Okay, who's next?" That perked my interest and everyone else's too because we told Koda that we all wanted to hear that story, so Koda continued,

"I thought you might say that. Hmm... Let's see. It was probably the fifth or sixth most most coldest day in my entire life. Me and mom were eating fish, having a great time. When, all of a sudden, she pushes me into the bushes and tells me to real quiet. She says, 'I smell something.' So, she started sniffing. There's something in the woods running right towards us, getting closer and closer. And, then, out of the trees, jumps... TWO HUNTERS! And, now, there's no where for Mom to go. The monster has her backed up against this giant glacier!" Suddenly, my mind goes back to the day when Sitka died. My mind passes through the moments of me begging Kenai to get out of there. Was that really Koda's mother?

"The male monster attacks, but mom's too quick for him. And before he can do it again, she stands up real big and yells, 'GO AWAY!' Mom turned to the other one, the female. She charges towards the female hunter who backed up against a tree, then stops as the female hunter screamed. The scream sounded young and Mom figured that the female hunter was only a cub, she was about to leave the cub alone when Mom smelled more of them. There's a whole pack coming right us. One of the other hunters attacked Mom to protect the cub hunter, but Mom was too quick once again. Then, she runs up to stop the other three before they can get to me and they're all around her poking her with sticks. The whole thing broke and fell into the water. There was ice everywhere! She couldn't hold her breath any longer, before POW! She bursts out of the water. I've never been so scared in my life."

My mind recollected all the events of that day. It was exactly how Koda described it. To when the bear, Koda's mother, charged me, to Denahi fending her off, to Sitka's death, then Kenai... My eye's widened in horror. Kenai said that... he killed the bear...

Kenai killed Koda's mother.

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