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The climb to the mountain was treacherous, but we eventually made it to the top of the mountain. We looked around and no one was there. "Sitka!" I called out. There was no answer and kept close to Kenai to try and keep warm. "Sitka, are you there?" Kenai also called out. Again, there was no answer. We looked down in defeat. We had lost so much to get here. What else could we do? Kenai must've thought the same because he said, "Please. Please, Sitka. I don't know what else to do."

Then, we spotted something in the snowstorm. A figure that looked like an eagle. "Sitka?" I wondered, but as the figure got closer, I realized that it wasn't Sitka. It was another hunter and it wasn't just any hunter.

"Denahi." Kenai said. He started backing up a ways, but I stood there frozen in fear. Denahi started to charge Kenai and he shouted, "Sitka! Hurry! Change me back!" Denahi was about to stab Kenai, but Kenai blocked him. I snapped out of my shock and yelled, "Kenai!" I ran towards him as Denahi and him were fighting. I jumped onto to Denahi's back and tried to use my weight to pull him away from Kenai. Then, Denahi grabbed me and he threw me against the rock and my vision grew blurry for a moments.

"Tehya!" Kenai shouted. He tried to run towards me, but Denahi jumped onto Kenai's back.

"Where are you, Sitka?" I whispered standing up and shook my head to try to clear my vision. Then, to my horror, Denahi and Kenai fell off the cliff. "KENAI! DENAHI!" I shouted. I ran towards the edge and saw that they had landed on smaller ledge. Both were out of it for a second, but Denahi stood up, but Kenai wasn't.

"Kenai!" I shouted. I quickly climbed down the cliff hoping that I would make it in time to save him. When I reached the bottom, I saw that Denahi had already been knocked to the side and it was by Koda.

"Koda?" I heard Kenai question. I went up to Koda and would've given the cub a hug under better circumstances. Then, I noticed Denahi was looking at his spear and I knew what he was planning. I glanced at Koda and we both nodded. We had to do what we could to protect Kenai. As Denahi charged, we started running towards the spear and we had a head start.

"NO!" Kenai shouted. We both grabbed the spear at the same time and starting running with Denahi close on our tails. "Leave them alone!" Kenai yelled. Then, we both tumbled, Denahi grabbed the spear, and switched around as Kenai had caught up to us yelling, "Tehya, Koda!"

"KENAI!" I screamed in horror. Suddenly, lights filled the entire mountain. Sitka was here. I started to cry tears of joy as I saw Kenai being lifted down and he was transformed back into a human.

"Kenai?" Denahi asked completed shocked. The eagle who carried him transformed into Sitka. I was so happy too see him, both of them. Denahi then questioned, "Sitka?" His mouth was hanging wide open as Sitka came and took off the cloak that Denahi was wearing and wrapped it around Kenai. He also took Kenai's totem, which was wrapped around the spear. I walked up to Denahi and rubbed my head against him. Denahi jumped and looked at me and was looking like he was trying to recognize me.

"Denahi, it's Tehya." Kenai pointed out. I gave him a smile in my bear form and I was wondering when Sitka was going to change me back into a human.

"Tehya!" Denahi exclaimed. He looked rather pale and looked as if he were about to pass out. Then, Sitka transformed me back into a human and rapped another cloak around me. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and ran to give Denahi a hug. I quickly embraced him and he embraced me as well and I could feel him shaking. I didn't blame him. I would be too.

"I thought that you two had perished by a bear's hand." Denahi whispered. My eyes widened at that statement and everything made sense now. That would explain why Denahi was hunting us to the brink of madness. Then, I heard something. A grunt of a small cub. I turned around to see Koda hiding behind a rock. Koda. What was going to happen to him? Kenai and I slowly walked over to him and Kenai said, "Koda? Koda, don't be afraid."

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