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A/N: There will be one more chapter for the events of Brother Bear 2, then there will be about two or three chapters after that.

Peace and Quiet. There were few things that I could get at this point of time. Peace and Quiet. I waded through the stream in hopes of catching some fish. Normally, my older brother, Denahi, would be with me or Ahanu, my best friend, would lend me a hand, but both were busy and I was completely fine without them. I rarely got time to myself these days. Denahi was on a hunt with a couple other members of the tribe and he wouldn't be back for a couple days and Ahanu was busy helping his father. Over the past eight months, Denahi has been glued to my side and would rarely let me out of his sight.

After what happened with my other brother, Kenai, who is now a bear, Denahi was worried for the first two weeks that I would go back with him and transform into a bear and disappear forever. Over time, Denahi finally let me go off on my own and he isn't as worried as he once was. Honestly, he can such a dork at times, but I couldn't blame him because the events that he and all of us went through were rather traumatic. What has made things worse is that I have not seen Kenai in over eight months. I get that he hibernated for six of those months, but the other two months of absolutely zero communication was inexcusable.

I knew that Kenai and Koda were out of hibernation and I've been meaning to take the time off to go and find him and ensure that he never makes the mistake of not seeing me in over eight months again. Fishing was my last chore and then I would fine for the rest of the day. The bad part is that I have been fishing for the last hour and have caught absolutely nothing. At this point, I was annoyed at practically everyone except Ahanu.

Not long ago, I decided to change my single braid and I now let it flow freely. I tucked back my long black hair and gazed down into the cool clear water ready to catch the unsuspecting fish in my net. As I was waiting, I could see my brown eyes glancing back at me in the reflection. Then, I started pulling as hard as I could. It was the first catch I had all day. I lifted the net and I counted at least five fish in there. Finally, a decent catch.

"Excuse me! Are you, Tehya?" Someone called from behind me. There goes the silence. I groaned and turned around to see a woman, who looked around Kenai's age. She seemed slightly familiar, but I wasn't sure why. I didn't even know who this person was. Clutching the net as tight as I could, I wondered, "Yeah and who are you? What's your business?" The woman looked slightly nervous as she stood near the edge of the water.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. My name is Nita. I used to be friends with your brother, Kenai. Many years ago. I'm trying to find him." The woman, Nita said. That's when it clicked. I do mildly remember her. Kenai mentioned her once or twice when he shared funny stories with me from the past. I reached the shore and dumped the fish into the basket and placed the lid over it. I securely tightened the lid with some rope and held it up.

"I remember you now. What are you doing back here? I thought you moved a long time ago." I wondered.

"Well, you see. I am in a bit of a situation. I was told that you could guide me to Kenai because you would most likely know where he is. I need him to help me because... well, we have to burn this amulet." Nita said. She held up an old amulet carved... LIKE A SEA-SHELL!

"He told me he lost it! Oh. When I get my hands on him..." I started mumbling absolutely enraged.

"What do you mean? Kenai gave me the amulet the day I left." Nita explained.

"Well, Nita. I made that amulet for Kenai many years ago and coincidentally, the day you left, he was no longer wearing the said amulet. He told me lost it. Now, I realize, that he gave the amulet to you." I explained to her walking back to the village. Nita was following close behind and ahead, I saw a familiar friend running towards us. My best friend, Ahanu. He had black hair that nearly reached his shoulders and his dark brown eyes were full of curiosity when he reached us.

"I was about to come join you fishing, but I see that you are done. Who is this?" Ahanu questioned.

"This is Nita. She's an old friend of Kenai's. She needs to find him." I explained.

"Nita? Oh. I remember you. You and Kenai were inseparable." Ahanu said.

"Ahanu, is that really you? Wow. Tehya and you have grown so much. I'm glad to see that you guys are still good friends. Is Denahi here?" Nita said. Before I could answer, Ahanu said, "No, he went off with other members of the tribe on a hunt. They'll be back in a couple days time." I stopped near a tree and began to lift the basket into the tree with another rope. I securely tightened it and turned to Nita, "Well, Nita, you came in just the nick of time. That was the last of my chores."

"So, you'll help me?" Nita wondered.

"I'll help you, but we'll see what Kenai has to say about this. Guess you could say that I'm the easy part. You can tell me the rest of what's going on along the way. I've got a good idea of where they might be heading." I said. Crow berry Ridge. It had dozens of berry bushes and they attracted all kinds of bears there.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Ahanu questioned.

"Ahanu, thank-you, but Nita and I will be just fine. I know that part of the forest better than anyone here in the village. It will only take about a day's journey." I said. I know that he only meant well, but I was getting tired of all the smothering. They need to lay off just a bit. That's all I'm asking. Ahanu and nodded. We went back to the village and I gathered the supplies needed for the journey. When were about to set off, Ahanu came up to me and hugged me, "Stay safe."

"I will. Goodbye, Ahanu." I said while hugging him back. Honestly, he was the greatest friend I could ever ask for. He's helped Denahi and I go through so much over the past eight months and I could never thank him enough. I let go of him and Nita and I walked out of the village to search for Kenai.

Brother Bear: Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now