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        After the story, Kenai and I stood there panicking as we realized why everything that occurred did. I looked over at Kenai and saw the fear and shame in his eyes. The other bears were talking about the story and how amazed they were at it. We were horrified. I noticed Kenai backing up and Koda and Tug asked if he was okay. I knew that he wasn't. Then, he ran off. I was freaking out, but I couldn't imagine what must be going through Kenai's head. I was about to go off after him, but was stopped by Koda who asked, "Tehya, what's wrong with Kenai? What wrong with you?"

        I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I looked at him and said, "It's not my place to tell you, Koda. I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help, but I've gotta go catch up to Kenai."

       Koda said, "Let me come with-" But, I interrupted him, "No!" Koda grew sad and I realized that I raised my voice. I quickly said, "I'm sorry, Koda. I really am, but Kenai and I need some time alone. You can come find us later though, okay?" Koda nodded in understanding. He still looked worried and confused and I didn't blame him. I was too. I left Koda at the run and went off to find Kenai. I eventually found him sitting near the edge of an overlook.

        I didn't talk or say anything. I knew that it pointless to ask if he was okay because obviously he wasn't. So, I just curled up next him and put my hand/paw on his just to let him know I'm there. It was silent for several moments before Kenai said, "I don't know what to do, Tehya. How do I tell Koda that his mother isn't coming back and it's because of me? I don't want to hurt him, but I guess it's too late for that. He's going to hate me forever and I wouldn't blame him if it comes to that."

        "It's your decision to tell. Just speak with your heart and be honest with him about what happened. It's better to do that than to lie to him." I told him.

        Kenai gave me a soft smile and said, "I really don't know what I'd do without you, Tehya. Thank you for being here."

        "No problem, Kenai." I said. We sat there in silence knowing soon that we'll have to confront Koda. We could see the lights touch the earth as it was growing dark. We didn't say anything even when dawn came. Then, Koda came up and attempted to scare us and said, "Scared you again, huh?" He laughed, then said, "Where have you been? You look horrible. My mom says when you eat too much fish, you should just lie down." It took a moment, but we got Koda's attention.

        "Koda, there's something I -uh- you know that story you told Tehya and I last night?" Kenai questioned.

        "Yeah." Koda answered.

        "Well, I-I have a story to tell you." Kenai said.

        "Really? What's it about?" Koda wondered.

        "Well, it's kind of about a man and kind of about a bear, but, mostly it's about a monster. A monster who did something so bad." Kenai said. He began to explain to Koda everything that had happened. He told Koda about how Kenai and I were actually humans and explained the fight at the glacier from our point of view. Kenai told him about the funeral and, when we got to the part about Koda's mother, he said, "Koda, I did something very wrong." Kenai explained about the killing the bear and how he became one and I told Koda about how I became one.

        "I don't like this story." Koda said backing up when we were reaching the end.

        "You're mother's not coming." Kenai explained.

        "No, no." Koda cried. He ran off into the woods and we called after him. It had begun to snow and it was hard to see where Koda had went.

        "Koda? Koda! Koda, I wish I could... If there was just some way... I'd give anything!" Kenai shouted. I caught up with him and noticed that he was his observing his bear paw print. Then, he formed the paw print into a human hand. My heart broke when I saw that. It felt like ages ago that we were humans. Kenai said, "I'm sorry, Koda. I'm so sorry." I put my paw on Kenai's shoulder. He embraced me and embraced him. We were like that for a few moments before we let go of each other.

        "Do you think that we should keep moving?" I asked. I didn't want to to leave, but I don't think that Koda was going to come out anytime soon. Kenai looked around one more time than sighed and nodded. We continued off towards where the lights touch the earth not knowing about what would happen next.

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