Chapter 35

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It had been a week. A week with no Larry, a week of hurt, confusion, tiredness. It was painful. I was broken, it was hard enough I didn't understand but even harder that he can't now explain it to me. I sighed and got out of bed feet landing on the soft floor. Groaning I turned to walk out of the room in nothing but that unicorn onesie. When Sal walked in. 

"I have a few errands to run today, I'll be back later." He smiled, kissing my cheek and leaving. 

I stood there confused but I just continued with my day. 

Having breakfast, watching some movies, have lunch, watch more movies, have dinner and watch more movies. It was currently ten in the evening and I were drained. 'Sal should be home soon but maybe he's running behind' I thought, tossing and turning in the bed. I mumbled and picked up my phone going to call him.It went straight to voicemail. Damn his phone must of died. Needing to get out of bed I stood up and changed into some clothes and went outside. Walking around I found myself at the treehouse. I rubbed my eyes and scoffed at myself for being a pathetic person. Turning around to leave I felt a hand on my shoulder, but no one was there. Rolling my eyes at my now daft brain, I continued to walk, but the so called hand, was placed back on my shoulder. I shook the feeling off and left, not even caring when that hand was placed back on my shoulder. Arriving back to the home I now called, I got back into bed as a tired Sal walked in.

"Oh you have been waiting for me this whole time?" He asked, sadness rushing over his face.

"Yeah and it's fine, I couldn't sleep anyway." I answered reading eleven, twenty seven on the clock. 

Sal smiles softly and climbed into bed, turning out the light and falling onto the pillows he grabbed me into a small hug.

"Sal I need to tell you something." I spoke, trying not to cry.

"What is it?" 

"I think Larry held my shoulder earlier when I went to the treehouse, I know it sounds pathetic but I swear that happened!" I softly cried.

"Oh babe, it's going to be okay, we can go visit tomorrow and see. I'll be right there and also that guitar thing Todd's doing should be ready to use too. Maybe we can see Larry again." He spoke, running his fingers through my hair. 

Smiling a little I closed your eyes but not realising you'll see Larry.

SO SHOCKED YET SO HAPPY AND PROUD! I am grateful you are all enjoying this! Next chapter soon
Tracy x

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