Fear versus love is an illusion. You can't just lump life into two categories. Life isn't that simple. There's more to it than fear and love, you're denying everything else, maybe I'm just a product of fear, that might be true. But it isn't just fear I'm a product of, that's just one of the many categories I could be sorted into. Fear is just the underlying component, anger, grief, anxiety, insecurity, lonely, all coexist, love included. Because you can't be on one side of the spectrum without the other, you shouldn't even be on the spectrum, we're some point far away from the spectrum. No one is just perfectly placed on one side of the other. No one is in the middle. We're all very far away, because we're made up of so many different emotions and factors that make us act. There isn't just fear or love, that's an illusion pushed onto us.