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I'm not immortal. I would call myself enhanced before anything else. I really am dead, immortals don't die. My abilities have just been enhanced, ironic because before this I didn't have any abilities. I know I wasn't good at anything, I have pastimes, but they're just that, to pass time, but I'm not good at any of them, average if I could even say that. In retrospect I shouldn't have been trying to pass time with how little of it I had left. All of the time spent, drawing, really crappy things that came to mind, they never came out good, even the times I would take to write, those were never good either, and my handwriting fucking sucks, I could ride a bike just fine, but that's it I could ride it, nothing else, but everyone can do that can't they? I really couldn't do anything more than that, I could come up with comebacks against Lizzy, even they were half assed. That's kind of how I did everything, I didn't aim for average, I just obtained it. I needed these enhancements to achieve my goal though, and I don't think I could complain about it, they were useful, that was the point. I actually had some kind strength now, I wasn't weak before though, no I kind of was, I think even Samantha had more strength than me, she had to, she's a dancer, I think the only time I had strength is when I didn't want to, when I was having any sort of breakdown or freak out. I needed that strength though, I needed to get that axe into the school pipe somehow, it needed to be done. Maybe I didn't need to go as rough on the school mascot, but I did, I might have had increased adrenaline too, or that could be credited to schizophrenia, the only time it's been useful. There were some more unconventional enhancements made to me that's for sure. Just the ability to conjure two elements at will and telekinesis, not really a big deal. Those weren't for fun either, but imagine what I could do with that if I had been able to use them now, and if I was alive, no I probably wouldn't use them for anything fun, I'm not interested in much and you can't abuse abilities like that. Being able to conjure water and fire, opposites but similar in the same aspect, wasn't for fun, I found it to be more of an inconvenience than anything. The fire, I did find to be the most prevalent, the fire is what got Jim Cunningham, for that I couldn't be more enthusiastic, it's what he deserved, really. Burning down his home was just fun, but I couldn't say the same for what was found afterwards, they didn't deserve that, they didn't deserve being exposed like that, but that was the only way to get him. I would say that is my biggest regret, that other people had to see that, it didn't matter if they weren't that young anymore, it wasn't alright. If anyone was sick in the head it was him. Water, the most common element, if you think too long about it, it's probably not, conventionally it is probably seen as the more important ability I gained, I don't think so. Flooding the school, we couldn't attend school for the day, who would complain, well the faculty did, they weren't happy about it. My proudest moment was constructing the time portal, which one? Only the most important part of my so called mission, how did I make it out of water? I really don't know, I don't have all the answers, I probably should but even I'm still confused about the whole thing, I'm not who you would call the brightest, that's not to say I'm an idiot or anything, I think I do much better with words and my opinions than when someone actually needs my help, not that they would need my smarts for that. A time portal made out of water, this was the most important step because right after this I needed to use my telekinesis, this would be anyone's favorite ability, in reality it's a bitch to use and it took forever to get the hang of, that's why I failed so many times. Using telekinesis I needed to rip the plane engine off of the plane Samantha and my mother were on, no pressure. That's what needed to go through the time portal, but I had so little time. These enhancements were really just daunting, it takes a while to figure that out, this was the only time I didn't have a choice, if I ever did.

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