Chicken Little

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He visited me during my time with Dr. Thurman, my psychiatrist, he sat there and stared, rich kid asshole, I painted him as a villain, because wasn't he. What made me the most uncomfortable is what he did after that, after all the staring, he still stared, but not at me, at the ceiling. This was a warning, another thing that I missed, at least what I missed at the time, the sky would open up. That was my first chance though, another sign another chance to realize, that I missed, the talent show. Cherita Chen, who would have thought she would have been helpful, but how helpful was she if I missed it. She performed, made a fool of herself, I didn't make fun of her or laugh but everyone else did. When she finished and clearly out of breath, she raised one arm and looked up at the ceiling, just like Frank, but she wasn't just looking up at the ceiling and he wasn't either, they were looking at the sky, the sky that would open when time was up. I missed the first sign, this was a second, closer to time running out completely, and I missed it again. Why are signs made so that they could be so easily missed? Really, aren't they just from intuition, they don't exist. We make them up subconsciously. Who's to say they weren't just looking up to look up, I might look left to look left, am I alluding to anything? I could be making this all up, what about the signs I did notice, where they really signs or did I just make myself believe that because it was the excuse I needed? I'm the boy who cried wolf, to myself.

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