The Curriculum Sucks

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There's a few good teachers, isn't there? Of course using the word good isn't the best way to put it because it's subjective isn't it, but so is best, it doesn't matter. The problem is most, if not all of these teachers don't care about us, I don't blame them, but they are a part of the problem, a big part. Again the word big is subjective so me and you may have completely different ideas of just how big their role is in all of this. In what? The way kids in a public school system come out of it, with no energy or hope left, if you do, all the credit goes to those good teachers, there might be a few in each school, or none at all, but there could never be a whole school full of them. Most of the teachers at your school or mine have a bias but that's not how teachers should be working and it's definitely not how they were hired. See teachers, there are some of them who change completely after they get the job, they put on their nice and unbiased act before they're hired don't they? I could be biased, I am biased, but simultaneously I'm really being unbiased. That doesn't need to make sense, because when am I ever making sense, but I am going to get my point across. Kitty Farmer seems nice enough, she had to in order to get hired, but she does have her own bias that she somehow manages to incorporate into every single one of her lessons, every single one. A teacher who teaches such a vast curriculum shouldn't be telling her student what is right, whatever she believes is so, what she believes is so because of the holy bible, such original ideas, anything else, actual originality, is going to be wrong. Health is definite, she has us there, there are certain ways the body works and reasons for that, but when you ask a rhetorical question, that you actually wanted answers for and then receive those answers, you shouldn't be turning them down, because the question asked wasn't definite. Thankfully there still manages to be actual good teachers in the system, again with good being subjective, looking from the system's point of view for some reason these seem to be the teachers that are the worst. This doesn't even begin to make sense, and that's how it manages to, the school system, those in higher positions, then the teachers who interact with the students who should be the main priority, actually detest the teachers who care, care enough to get their students involved. This is the issue that isn't getting solved anytime soon, because even though they want the teachers to all appear nice when applying for the position, they don't want them to stay that way, they brainwash them, not literally, figuratively, what they do is get a hold on them and convince them the students are not top priority, their priority is to keep their job and protect the system to stay the way it is. Professor Monnitoff, one of the good teachers, even he couldn't be stopped from falling victim to all of this, he had to stop himself from teaching me something deathly important, more important than the things he could ever teach me in class. Ms. Pomeroy, in the original universe, she was meant to get fired, and that was all my fault, I know it, she's one of the good teachers, which could definitely be argued but this is what I believe. I believed in Ms. Pomeroy no matter how abstract her teaching strategies were, that was what kept us intrigued, and she did keep us intrigued, more than any other teacher could possibly do. This comes all at the cost of her job doesn't it, because once you are one of these really good teachers, the system wonders why, what is she doing that is keeping them intrigued? She must have some kind of ideology that she is pushing onto them, and allowing them freedom to think, and they can't have that. Teachers who allow their students to think are somehow the most biased of all from the systems point of view, they believe these teachers must have an agenda to go against the system and allow these children to form their own ideas, instead of pushing their own ideas on to them, the real bias. School is taxing, it's tiring and it's boring, that doesn't mean there is going to be some form of light to make it all seem better and interesting because there isn't. The thing is when you come across teachers who let you think on your own, that' exactly what you need to do, start thinking. The curriculum is always going to suck, there's really nothing we could do about that, but there will be people to help you get through it.

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