I'm afraid. Really, really afraid. Really afraid. The world will end and I have a huge role in it. Early in the morning is when I get the most freedom. Riding my bike up to the hill is how I spend my time and when I don't feel as much. There are no responsibilities at times like this. No meds I need to take, no world to save. It's October 1st, I'm on this hill surrounded by trees. I'm aware this time will end, yet at this very second, it's timeless, how ironic. The moments leading up to this are just as valuable. Leaving the house, jumping on a bike and just riding, knowing my destination makes it predictable but quintessential. The first day of October was the last time I could rely on any routine. The second day of October everyone was trapped in a Tangent universe as opposed to the Primary universe. The Tangent is a place we have never been in before. Things haven't changed drastically, immediately, but it was thanks to the actions of everyone, things, such disorderly things happened that would not have originally in the Primary universe. This was all a test, to see if I'd still want to save the world after seeing the outcome of the Tangent universe. Tempting, justice was served, the way it should. Continuing on this path lead to a devastating end.