Free Willy

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The world was ending. This was because everyone was making horrible decisions but I know this wasn't their fault. No one can help what they do, it's already been decided, it's been predestined and that's that. Being presented with choices and then picking the bad choice seems wrong on their part, but does that really matter if everything has already been decided. Every choice you make isn't really a choice at all. The "choices" you're making have already been decided deep down by the universe. So the world was ending and this could be blamed on them because of the bad choices they were making, but that just means the world ending was destiny. Or was it destiny for the world to be saved. Being the only person given free will could be really, really daunting, unless I wasn't given free will at all. My destiny was to die and save the world by doing so, did my choices even matter, where they even choices. I wouldn't think I was given any choices if it wasn't for how everyone else choose their path. There was a translucent liquid that everyone followed, I seen it. This liquid they would follow to their next action, they didn't have any choices because they were always going to follow this path. Maybe I was seeing this because of my medicine, placebos full of water. This liquid, looked just like water, but very much contained. I was the only one who was able to detach from this liquid spear, made to be a train going along a train track, only that wasn't me. Free will exists, but only to get the eventual destiny you are meant to go towards, limited and not as free as you might think. But it is out there.

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