"Fear and love are the deepest of human emotions," bullshit. Everything that comes out of that woman's mouth is of her own christian belief. The things she'd believe just because it's even closely related to religion. How could she be obsessed with what's wrong and right and what god says is wrong and right if she's just going to pick and choose what she wants to believe and what she wants to follow. If you want to criticize others for breaking some part of the testament, you need to follow through and criticize yourself for the parts you are breaking. Unlogical, it's her opinion over everyone else's. I don't buy into it. People like her need to be challenged, or they're just gonna keep on believing their word is the only opinion so it must be right. The only challenging she gets is from me or my mother, which is well deserved. People like that think they're superior of course but that doesn't stop them from getting intimidated by others who are clearly more just and lenient in beliefs. They couldn't imagine the thought process of someone who doesn't take religion seriously and chooses to believe in science and literature to explore why the world is and why people think and act the way they do. As obnoxious as people like Ms. Farmer are, they are easily challenged and perplexed if someone approaches them with facts. That doesn't mean they will back down, they'll stick by their beliefs and keep arguing their side no matter what, even if their case is unarguable. Be a Kitty Farmer or be someone who challenges her just by existing, I know my choice. Life isn't that simple, you can't just be one or the other, you can just ignore it all together, ignore Farmer and her challengers, or get involved and not be on either side, challenge everyone to a point you don't even know the argument you're making.