Why is the Professor Here?

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 Our science teacher, we call him Professor Monnitoff. I went to him when all hope seemed lost. I needed to know what was going on and why I was put in this situation. I came to him to talk about time and travel, this was all I had to go on. Interestingly enough he told me what he knew on the subject and he was the one to give me the Philosophy of Time Travel. Like all diabetics he had a nervous tendency to him, like there was something to find out if I interrogated him enough, something he didn't want me to find out, or something that if I did find out I wouldn't like. What would I do? Mess everything up? Is that what he thought? That I was just some schizo freak that could blow at any moment and mess everything up for everyone? Not to mention there was a religious aspect of it all, or the lack of. The mention of God's channel was what ended it, but it could of been some silly excuse. It was just the escape he needed, bringing religion into a school conversation. The idea of traveling through God's channel, he said he wasn't able to continue this conversation, because if he did he could lose his job. Like politics, when my sister says she'll vote for Dukakis instead of Bush, the conversation only gets shut down by our father who says who he supports and that Elizabeth should blindly follow. The unwrapping of his candy just grew my suspicions, were his hands shaking because of the lack of sugar or was it his nerves acting up because of my questions, that he knew the answers to but couldn't share, or is it that he wouldn't share. I couldn't know, I was never told, I was left to my own with my own thoughts and left to make my own assumptions. Monnitoff was never the answer, but he did have answers. Was he awake, was Pomeroy? Maybe. There could be no way to tell. How many times have I needed to reset, how many times did they watch me reset. He could have been awake from the beginning of through so many trials he woke up on his own. How could someone know so much about time travel and God's channel anyway, without being awake, and I doubt he's the only one.       

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