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His navy eyes rested on mine while he waited for my answer. "Uh-What? Accept me?" I asked stupidly, my hackles raising. He stood from his inclined position and I flinched unintentionally. He wandered over to the front of my seat, facing me. He bent down and grabbed my hand, fast but gentle, and pulled me upwards. 

I gasped aloud as he looked into my eyes, a flicker of raw emotion showing. He was vulnerable. I had to blink, and it was gone in a flash. "Yes." He said simply. 

I looked around the room, my eyes not wanting to meet his as I thought of a response to that. "Why? I mean, I am your truemate, and you kinda can't not accept me. But, you don't even know me. Not to mention I am the farthest thing from mate material." 

I could tell my response amused him, as the corner of his delicious pink lips was upturned in the slightest degree. Delicious pink lips? Really? 

"Hmm, I would say otherwise." He said so softly, I almost didn't hear him. What he said was endearing, as he didn't necessarily say what was so contradicting to what I said. He didn't go and say you're hot or anything. No, he simply said otherwise.

I blinked at him, a small smile resting on my lips. "Well, I don't even know you." He shut one eye in a peculiar expression and pursed his lips. It made a giggle erupt from me as he looked so stupid. He seemed so different in front of me, then in front of other people. I saw his lips twitch upwards as he stared at me, an emotion akin to awe filtering through his amused gaze. Is the fucking king looking at me with awe? That's not weird.

I stopped giggling, the thought of him being king interrupting my short-lived, joyous ramble. That's right, Fable. He's the king. He's a monster. And, he's sadly your mate. 

I hated agreeing with myself, but I was right. The man in front of me was dangerous. Those rumors didn't bloom from nothing. 

I felt my brows furrow the slightest bit and I cleared my throat, pushing myself from his embrace. Whisper looked away and the air of the room became awkward once more. I, however just sat back down and looked at the fireplace. 

"Well, I suppose I have to attend to my duties. You can stay in my bed, it's fine." Whisper said, his voice back to the husky, deep Tenor it usually was. I nodded and I saw his eyes flicker to stare at my face once more before he turned on heel and left.

I groaned, wanting to cling onto sleep for as long as possible. My body, however, decided enough was enough and I couldn't go back to the wonderful dreams. I opened my eyes, only to see darkness and a faint light from a window. The events from last night rushed back to me and I sat up, rubbing my eyes of the sleep and looking at the black silk sheets before I was fully aware.

I sighed, needing to take a shower to rid myself of the heaviness I felt. I crawled out of the giant bed after determining I was alone, eventually making my way to the bathroom. I peeled off the giant clothing I adorned and turned in the shower.

Relief immediately flooded through my body as soon as the hot water touched my tense muscles, causing me to let out a small groan. I sighed again, rinsing my hair out of its frizzy mess. I hated having my hair straightened. Though, I did miss my mother.

I blinked. I missed my whole family. Philip, Miles and my father. 

I felt my throat close up and a sadness course over me as I realized I could possibly never get to go home and see my family. Would he really do that to me? Would I stay here for the rest of my life?

After a while, I finally decided to get out and dry off. I had washed my hair and body using his stuff, seeing as I didn't have anything else, and I hate to admit that I loved the smell. Even if it smelled like masculinity and haze, I still really liked it. My wolf also voiced her opinion by howling in pleasure. I scolded her for it and in return she grumbled, but reluctantly fell back.

I towel dried my hair, a little relief flowing through me as my hair started curling into the long,  tight curls I was so used to. After a little while, my hair was curly as ever and flowing down my back in a red waterfall. I smiled sadly and slipped on my clothes, the baggy shirt making me frown slightly. His clothes. Not mine.

I walked out of the bathroom and to the bedroom, where it was illuminated the slightest bit more as the sun rose higher. I contemplated walking down the stairs and looking for the kitchen, so that's exactly what I did. The library was still dark and the orange glowing fireplace was still crackling away. I smiled and made a note of possibly picking out a book to read while I wasn't here.

I opened the door, peeking my head out of the room and looking around the winding hallways and many other doors. There was a ton. I felt my brows raise to the top of my head and I looked around for someone. 

A few feet from me, were two guards walking and talking animatedly to each other. They looked casual, both dressed in work attire, but they were casual nonetheless. I almost ducked my head black into the library when the taller one caught my eye.

He furrowed his brows and made a surprised noise, following the other guard. They exchanged looks before approaching me cautiously. "Uh, Miss?" Asked the first one. He was handsome, with his dark green eyes and sandy blond hair. I smiled awkwardly at them and looked around once more before opening the door fully.

I ducked my head in apology and waved. "Uh-hi. I'm Fable." I almost recoiled from how shy my voice sounded. Like a child.

The second guard, who was the complete opposite of the first with his dark hair and blue eyes, smiled before gesturing to me. "This is who the King was talking about."

The first guard had a face of awe, looking at me from head-to-toe in a none creepy way. It was more shocked. He nodded. "Can we help you, Miss?"

I nodded back, becoming more at ease with the two men- or should I say boys, they didn't look very old- and held myself more relaxed. "Oh, yes, I was wondering where the kitchen, or perhaps galley was." 

Blondie pursed his lips, holding back a smile and turned to his friend before speaking. "Well, I suppose His Majesty would want you to eat before joining you. Follow us." He gestured to the corridor they were previously walking down. They started walking again and I followed, feeling my hair hide my embarrassment. My cheeks burned bright at what Blondie said, but I refused to let them think I was a child. Even if I was possibly older than them.

"Well, thank you. May I ask for your names?" I said, making them both look at me. The brunet smiled and nodded. "I'm Sam, and he's Max." Okay, Blondie is Max and Brownie is Sam. Shouldn't be too hard for me to remember.

Soon, we had arrived at a grand kitchen that was very open. And bright, which contrasted with everything else. A huge window rested behind one of the counters and made everything seem very light and beautiful.

I gawked openly and felt the stares of both Sam and Max as I looked around. I turned to them, thanking for their help, to which they replied back kindly. "No problem, Miss." They both chorused. I wonder if they're related.

A man walked into the kitchen after they left, his face kind and smiling. "Hello, you must be Fable. I'm Frederic." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

He was older, and of short stature. He stood just over my own sad height and had salt and pepper hair covering his dark, balding, chocolate skin. I smiled back and nodded. "Yes. It's nice to meet you."

Frederic clasped his hands in delight and stepped behind the counter. "Fantastic! Now, what would you like to eat?" He seemed very happy to be cooking, and I don't doubt he was very good at it.

I laughed slightly and tapped my chin before saying my request. "I would like waffles, please." Frederic nodded and smiled at me before pulling out the ingredients and started to whip them up like no tomorrow. "So, Whisper seems fond of you. I've never seen that boy smile so much in one day, let alone actually allowing me to make him food." He said, a reminiscent look in his eyes. 

I felt my cheeks burn brightly and I slightly stuttered. Smile? I wonder what he looks like when he smiles. Probably fucking hot.

"Now, now, Frederic. Calm down." Said a familiar voice. I stiffened and turned to face Whisper, who was standing there with a neutral facial expression. How the hell does this keep happening?

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