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Whisper Black

I slammed my fist into the wall, creating a dent the size of a basketball. It didn't quench my anger and frustration. Why? Was I such a bad mate that she would leave without a word?

I slumped forward, my head resting in the damaged wall. I let out a strangled groan, my head pounding and my fists aching. I felt my shoulder being touched by someone, their hand familiar and warm.

I turned towards Frederic, his gaze sympathetic and caring. "Why? Did I do something?" I asked, to which Frederic sighed. "Well, I believe the girl needs time. She needs to realize her feelings, then she'll come back. I promise."

I looked downwards, my eyes resting on his dapper shoes. Will she come back? Or will she decide I'm not worth coming back to?

I raised my brows. "If you think about it, she can't really refuse. We're truemates. It's genetically coded for us to be together. We're a perfect match." I murmured. Frederic nodded. "Yes, but there is a difference between liking you and being forced to do so. Give her some time, Whisper. She might not feel so forced."

Frederic was very wise and I had to agree. He clasped me on the shoulder once more and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I walked towards my chair, her scent still there and very prominent. My wolf howled in my mind, itching to be set free to find her. 

Let me find her, Whisper. He spoke. I frowned. That is a bad idea, Luca. I heard him growl in the back of my mind, the sound causing a headache to form. I want to claim her as ours. I shook my head, picking up the book that laid inanimately beside te fireplace. No, she needs time. Luca growled again, and I saw a mental image of the charcoal wolf's ears flattened against his head and his yellow eyes ablaze. I will find our mate. You will not stop me. I tried pushing away his presence, when he suddenly burned through my defenses and took control.

I felt my body shift, my bones cracking and morphing into that of a werewolf. I howled in pain as my body cracked and pulled apart, the sound becoming more distorted the farther the shift went. Soon, I stood as now a haunting grey wolf in the middle of the library. 

I could see through his eyes, yet my established boundaries were surrounding the back of his, as more of a spectator. I watched, defenseless, as he slipped through the door and raced through the castle halls, sniffing out any sigh of our mate. Luca! Stop! I tried to scream, but then I was silenced. Whisper, I am not wavering to your pathetic attempts of separating our mate from us. She will be ours. His deep, growling voice held no other arguments and I knew I had no choice.

We soon reached the doors of my castle and two guards stood by on either side. They gave us concerned looks and I tried to do something, but Luca merely growled impatiently. They opened the door quickly and scrambled out of the way, letting Luca continue to race. Trees and land whipped by, heavy rain soaking our fur.

I sighed, mentally banging my head on something. Luca, this is a bad idea. He ignored me. Luca. She needs time. He still ignored me. Luca! If you forcefully claim her, she'll never want us. He stopped running, his stature stiff. Then I shall make her want us. 

I swore, and he started running again. I was blocked put completely, my presence merely lingering. Luca ran and ran, following the scent trail he picked up until we reached a cottage by the woods. It was very cozy looking and a trail of smoke was puffing from a long chimney on the roof. This is where mate resides. She will be ours. 

I felt defeated as Luca howled, the sound no doubt attracting the attention of the people dwelling inside. The Alpha's howl was a call to all the werewolves, gaining they're respect and attention.

Soon, I spotted three men walk out of the cabin, two of whom I recognized as Miles and Philip. Fable's brother and friend. The third man looked like an older version of Philip, his ginger hair graying. He bowed immediately, recognizing us as the King. 

"King Whisper! What an honor for you to grace our property." The man called out after he came up from his bow. Miles and Philip looked mad and I didn't blame them. They just got her back and Luca, being a possessive werewolf, wouldn't take no for an answer.

Luca growled, tapping into the minds of the three men and mindlinking them. I'm here for our mate. She belongs to us. I just barely registered the look of dejected anger on the older man's face, as it disappeared within seconds. But, Sir. My daughter needs time. He said, to which Luca growled again. Bring her outside in her wolf form. We need to speak. He used his Alpha tone and immediately the man wandered inside with his head down. The other two exchanged looks that said What now? and I felt immeasurable guilt.

In the beginning, I was incredibly possessive over Fable. Mostly because I had been searching for my mate for a very long time. But, after only a few days I became open and like the lost child I really was without her. I subconsciously began showing her my weak and lost mind. She must've thought me an incapable mate, and left. I don't blame her.

After a short moment, the older man reappeared and a small, red wolf was by his side. Fable. Luca was a lot larger than the average Alpha, because of his royal genes, and he clearly enjoyed seeing how much smaller his mate was than him. Mate. The three men stiffened and the small, ginger wolf walked up to Luca, her head held high in defiance. I am Ophelia. She said, her golden eyes bright. I am Luca. Luca walked up to her, his head shifting around as he memorized her scent. Ophelia looked like she enjoyed every second. I knew it was because, as Fable's wolf, she respected the mate bond and would be overjoyed at completely being mated with us.

I could tell they were now mindlinking, seperate from me and the rest. Ophelia purred deeply and Luca nodded at the three men, his Alpha tone making them respect him. Thank you for bringing her to me. He then turned around and faced the woods, his head swiveled towards Ophelia as she wandered up beside him. She turned and looked at her family before saying goodbye. Goodbye, Philip, Miles and Father. I will be back. Luca growled softly and they started running.

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