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I felt a burst of pleasure from where his incisors punctured my skin, my moans loud and unable to be contained. He panted, unlocking his mouth from my neck. His eyes were now feral, full of wild possessiveness and lust.

He ripped off his own shirt, unbuckling his pants and kicking them off. I panted as well, the sparks and bolts of pleasure that flitted through my chest and to a very vital part of me making me gasp. He grabbed my thighs again, crushing me to his chest.

I felt very sleepy, and all the sudden everything went dark.

Whisper Black

Fable collapsed in my arms, her beautiful eyes fluttering shut as her breathing slowed. I growled, nuzzling her neck, where my mark shone proudly. I felt indescribably happy.

The pressure and weight of her not wanting me was gone the second my teeth claimed her neck, and the second I saw her perfect body. My eyes flickered down to her soft body, and I felt my eyes twitch as I saw what was all mine. The curve of her chest to her flat stomach told me that my mate was active. 

The large swell of her breasts, to her full hips and tiny waist told me she was perfect in every way. I ran my hand down her body, seemingly entranced by her beauty. I had never been with someone, which was embarrassing to admit, but it was worth it for my mate.

I smiled softly and clutched her closer, inhaling her cinnamon scent like it was the last thing I could ever breathe. I grasped her delicious thighs in my hands, pulling her to rest on my chest completely. She was flexible, and I felt my excitement peak at the realization.

I wanted her. So fucking badly. It hurt.

But, my mate wasn't ready for me. I mean, she accepted me, and I'm happier than I could ever imagine possible, but would she want to have sex with me? Complete the mating process?

I knew, deep inside of me I knew, that I loved her. Completely. Utterly. And, I know that with the future ahead of us, I'd only fall deeper.

I sighed, pulling a blanket over us and crushing her curvy body to my chest again. She was so small, yet she had curves of a goddess. Her red curls were strewn over the black pillows, and ran a hand through them. She was most definitely mine.

Soon, I found a purr erupting from my throat, completely against my will of course, but it was still weird. Wait, we can purr? I asked Luca, to which he grumbled. I wouldn't call it purring, more like audible happiness. Not purring. I smiled, my eyes watching my mate with a sense of peace washing over us.

My mark on her pale neck stood out, and I felt immensely proud that I did that. She was too good to be true. I nodded along with my thoughts, and I closed my eyes. But, I couldn't fall asleep.

I was too... uh... in the mood

I felt my heart beating as I thought of it, the sight of my naked mate making me lick my lips. I contemplated whether or not I should wake her, or suffer in silence. Definitely the former.

I prepared myself for a lecture at the end of it, and I leaned down and kissed her neck. She moaned in reply, her eyes fluttering open and staring at me for a second. Lust bloomed in her eyes as she realized our situation and she narrowed them.

I leaned upwards, our noses now touching from how close our proximity was, and I smirked. "Good morning, Mate." I could even tell how husky and lust filled my voice was. I sounded breathless and quiet, yet my voice seemed to echo off the walls.

She moaned again as I touched her hip with my hand, pressing our chests together from underneath the blanket. I felt her breasts touch my chest, and I lost it. My lips were on her own before I even registered the blanket falling off.

I growled deeply, thrusting my tongue in her mouth as I climbed on top of her, my arms weaving their way around her curves. Her hands had come to touch my chest, drawing little imaginary patterns on it, making my need for her even worse. I moaned as I peeled off my boxers, eager to have her.

We stop making out for a moment, and she leaned back, her eyes closed and her mouth open with ragged breaths. "Wait. We should do this," she opened her eyes, the golden orbs darkened to a copper color that made me squirm under her gaze, "in the shower." She said, and I couldn't agree more.

I smirked again, grasping her beautiful self in my arms and crawling out of the bed and to my connected bathroom. I set on her on the counter, moving to reach and turn on the shower before looking at my mate. Her neck was littered with love-bites that ranged from her chin, to her beautiful neck, stopping at her collarbone. My eyes unvoluntarily shifted downwards, reaching her reached large breasts, widening as I registered their size. 

I shook my head while inhaling sharply, a smile playing on my lips as I met her eyes. They looked indescribable. A heavy fog of lust surrounded us, blinding my every thought except for her as I grabbed her off the counter and brought her in the shower.

The shower was large, enough for two people and a shower head that made showers seem as if they were rain from the heavens. I moaned into the kiss and pressed her body against the wall, her legs wrapping around my torso with a precision that seemed deadly. 

I broke the kiss, pressing my nose to her cheek and letting out a pained laugh. "My God, Fable. I love you so much it hurts." She stiffened and pulled back, her eyes wide. "You love me? But..." she looked lost. I inhaled sharply, nuzzling her neck with my face and pressing a kiss to her mark.

"It's okay, my beautiful mate. As long as you know of my feelings, I'm fine. And, you don't have to say it back just yet."

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