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Ophelia raced beside Luca, her head held high. As hard as I tried to get her to shift back to our human form, she fought back with growls and eventually trapped me in the back of her mind. I half wondered if Whisper wanted Luca to take us, or of he was forced. Stupid bitch. He obviously wants you back. I really don't know anymore.

I had been home for only twenty-four hours and the possessive wolf had taken me back. Forcefully. I was greeted by my parents and Miles, but Philip was keeping himself contained from the anger that seemed to haunt both he and Miles. They were stupidly protective. 

I had finally revealed why I left, and it did nothing to quench their anger. I just wanted to see my family and explain somethings to them, though I didn't tell them about the drawings. That was something I kept to myself.

I wanted time to think about possibly being in a relationship and I wanted to take things slow. However, it seems we don't always get what we want. Or deserve.

Ophelia stuck to Luca's side like glue and I wondered if she would already let him claim her. They do say your wolf's personality is a reflection of your own. But, I'm not a needy bitch.

She looked up at him and he swiveled his head in her direction, his yellow eyes gleaming with pride and possessiveness. You are a very pretty wolf. I held back a snort. Ophelia looked like she was going to jump his bones however. And you are very handsome.

The two wolves were flirting. I wanted to scream in annoyance, but kept my cool. I would love to claim you. That's when I nearly yelled in alarm. What the hell? I would love to be claimed. 

Yeah, I'm sure you would, horny wolf. But don't I get a say? She ignored me completely and both wolves came to a stop. I tried reclaiming our body and tried to shift back, but again she completely blocked me out. Ophelia! Not yet! 

Luca started sniffing her neck, making a purr erupt from Ophelia. My mind was silenced and I just watched as he started licking the spot where we would forever be his. I am going to mark you, Little One. That's when he bit us.

I peeled open my eyes, greeting darkness. I registered the slight feeling of intimate pleasure on my neck, the mark pulsating. Shit. We were marked. 

I felt Ophelia's presence in the back of my mind, but she seemed to be asleep. Probably the effects of being marked. I was angry at her, but I understood her persistence. She's just doing what she's been told. Going after her mate.

I sat up, the all too familiar setting of Whisper's room greeting me as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I felt around for the edge of the blanket before pulling it off. A cold gust of wind blew on my legs and I shivered, the small shorts covering my legs doing nothing. What the fuck? Where are my pants?

I felt around my body, a small tank top covering a some of it. What happened to my actual clothing? Then I remembered I was in human form, and when you shift, you're naked. Did Whisper see me naked when I fainted? My face burned bright red. He probably enjoyed seeing you naked.

I walked towards where I believe the door was and gripped its handle beforehand pulling it open. A glowing, orange light greeted me and I felt a wave of calmness flood my senses, washing all the anxiety out. I sighed, running a hand through my red curls, which were cascading down my back in a red waterfall. I walked down the staircase, my hand gripping the railing as I peered around. 

My neck was pulsating with pleasure, and I clenched my teeth to keep me from moaning. I saw a figure sitting down by the fire, his head in his hands. I knew exactly who it was, and it wasn't helping the bursts of pleasure that were trailing down my neck and to my chest. 

I continued walking and Whisper's head snapped up from hearing my foosteps. His eyes were wide and dark bags were underneath, telling he hadn't got much sleep. He stood quickly and looked the guiltiest I've ever seen someone look.

"Fable, I'm so-" He didn't finish, mostly because a loud moan escaped me. His deep voice sent shivers down my spine and I felt my lust levels spike uncontrollably. 

I peered at him for a moment and he was frozen. His face was contorted into an almost pained expression, yet his eyes were dark. He liked that very much.

I blushed slightly and cleared my throat. "I guess it's not your fault. It's Luca's." He nodded, his movements stiff. I rubbed my neck slightly, trying to get the mark to stop the euphoric torch, but it only made it unbearable. I groaned loudly, almost panting as euphoria hit me like a truck.

I doubled over and he rushed over to me, picking me up in his arms. He growled deeply, and I held back another loud moan. He carried me to the chair he had been previously seated in and set me on his lap. He nuzzled my neck with his face, inhaling my scent as my wolf screamed and yipped like there was no tomorrow. See? Didn't I make a good decision? No! He's going to be all over us. She was too stupid sometimes.

Whisper growled in my ear and I held back a sexy moan, clenching my teeth and turning to him. I scanned his handsome face, losing all sense of logic when I saw his dark, lustfull eyes. I flickered my gaze to his plump pink lips, him barring them slightly.

Next thing I know, we're making out. Heavily. I had my hands tangled in his hair and his hips were firmly planted on my hips. 

He tasted like pure masculinity it was driving me insane. His kiss was pure want. Need. Lust.

His hands lifted me up and he stood, hoisting me up to wrap my legs around his torso, all the while still kissing. He walked us up the stairs, but I didn't register it. My brain was foggy and I could only think of him.

Suddenly, a squishy surface was underneath us, comforting me when we fell on it. His hands came to my thighs, his whole body dominating my own and pressing me further into the bed. "God, Fable. You're so fucking sexy." I moaned in response.

He pulled back, breathing heavily. His dark blue eyes traveled down me and held my gaze for a moment, biting his lip. "I'm so sorry. I should've been able to stop him, but... he was too strong. I'm sorry that your marking wasn't romantic and all that, it was forced." The man looked genuinely sorry and guilty.

The whole thing made me giggle slightly. "It's not your fault. Luca and Ophelia decided to go against us. And, look where we are now." His face burned slightly and I giggled more.

He pulled off of me, causing me to let out a slightly pained grown as he looked around the room, only to snap his eyes back to me. I sat upright, trying to ignore the horny desires blooming in my chest. His eyes trailed down the side of my face, the other half concealed by wild curls.

I slipped off the bed and blew a curl from my face, classing my hands together in front of me. He seemed to register what I was wearing and his eyes widened. I realized I was only wearing a pair of sleeping shorts and a tank top. Those were ridiculously revealing, the tank top fitting to my chest and waist and the shorts revealing my hips and legs.

His eyes darkened and he looked away abruptly. "Oh-I should've mentioned. You didn't shift until we were here, but you did when Ophelia suddenly fainted from the mark. Don't worry, nobody saw you except for my head maid, Marionette. She changed you." I felt relieved, but also disappointed. Disappointed? The fuck?

"Sadly." He murmured. My head snapped upwards and I stared at him incredulously. To which he blushed even harder. He's adorable.

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