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I pulled my red curls up into a bun, some of the strands falling out and framing my face. I annoyedly brushed them away and focused on my book, curling my legs up and sighing. It had been a day since I had been marked by Luca, and I believe Whisper has been avoiding me. Again.

It's not like I blamed him, I just think he felt guilty. After our, very steamy encounter, he had left to attend to his kingly business. I was left alone with my thoughts. Fuck. What now? I'm his mate forever. Am I the queen then? I'd make a great queen.

I always wanted to be around Whisper. It's like an itch in the back of my mind, telling me to view or his attention. I had too much pride, however, and I would not submit.

I couldn't focus on the book for very long, as my senses were wanting to find Whisper any second of the day. A footstep here, a voice there. I always thought it was Whisper and that he was going to see me. 

I shut it abruptly and stood, wanting to get some of the want out of me. Every time I think of him. His dark eyes. His body, bulging with muscle. His capturing lips. Why me?

I felt my neck start to pulsate and I suddenly felt hot. Like, too hot. I could feel myself getting warmer by the second and I wanted to peel off the small amount of clothing covering my body and bask in the coldness. The fireplace next to me wasn't doing me justice.

I turned round and headed up te stairs and to the bedroom, where it seemed Whisper never slept. The black sheets of the bed and the sun setting greeted me, to which I immediately peeled off my clothes and jumped in the shower. 

I felt so fucking horny and so fucking hot. What the hell is wrong with me? It's like all I could do was immerse myself in awful thoughts of Whisper and that provided the slightest ease to the pain.

I panted, eagerly turning the water colder and colder. I stood underneath it for a moment, yet I was still boiling. The only way you can alleviate the heat is to get Whisper. He'll take care of you. I groaned, not wanting to have another episode. I gasped and felt a feeling of dread wash over me. Wait? I'm going into heat?

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. What the fuck? I groaned even louder, though it sounded like a moan.

A few minutes later I heard the door opening. I mind-linked Luca and told him of our condition. No doubt Whisper knows too. I immediately blocked Ophelia from saying anything else and peeked through the shower curtain. 

I saw a mop of black hair poking through the door, a muscular arm coming up to mess them up. "Fable?" He called out quietly. I inhaled softly, the sound of his voice causing goosebumps to erupt. I moaned slightly and heard the bathroom door open wider.

Silent footsteps carried through until I heard them right by the curtain. "Luca told me you were... in heat." I dreaded being alive at that moment. I didn't respond and I heard a soft growl, causing me to clench my legs together.

"Fable. The only way for you to be out of heat is for me to... touch you." I widened my eyes, momentarily forgetting about the searing burn that surrounded my body the more I could smell him.

"I need to hold you, Fable. It's going to drive us insane." He said in a possessive manner. I felt a shiver rack my spine and I involuntarily released a moan. Suddenly, the shower curtain was ripped open and there stood Whisper, his eyes dark, almost black, and his stature towering over me. I quickly covered myself with the shower curtain and yelped.

"Whisper? What the fuck?" I yelled, causing him to growl deeply. There's the possessive side he always had, like when we first met. His dark eyes trailed down my form and the smallest smirk rested dangerously on his face as he eyed the shower.

Then, the next thing I knew the lights were off. I looked around cautiously, then I heard the smallest footstep climbing into he shower. I felt the shower curtain being pulled from my hands and set back in place, encasing us in darkness and the shower.

I swallowed nervously, realizing he might also be naked. Thank god, werewolves only have dusk vision and not complete night vision. I had a small, joyous leap in my mind, before I felt my waist being grabbed. He pulled me to him, my boobs pressing against his chest. I could feel every inch of his muscular form against me and all the sudden, the burning went away. It felt like the biggest relief ever and I moaned aloud from it. God. Why am I moaning so much?

Whisper growled, making me swallow at the fact that we were both naked in the shower. My face rested against his chest, as I only came to about his shoulder, and his hands were clasped around my waist. His skin was warm, but it was so soothing and I felt at peace. 

His face came to bury in my hair, inhaling my scent and claiming me as his. My hands came to touch his chest, wanting to know what he felt like. I felt the smooth ridges of his abdominals and the sharp line of his V line, making him growl even louder than I've ever heard before. He wretched my hand upwards, placing it on his face. I could almost see the twinkle in his eyes. I memorized the sharp lines and soft skin, feeling his eyelashes tickle my hand. 

I could feel my breasts being pushed up against his abs, making me uncomfortable at the sensation. I placed a hand on my chest and pulled away from him, turning back to my shower. I picked up his strangely shaped shampoo bottle and doused some into my hands, turning back to him. I pulled him downwards slightly, before reaching up and smearing the soap into his hair.

I giggled as I pulled the soft hairs into different directions, before rubbing it in completely, the bubbles and soap flying everywhere. I felt his hands clasp my waist again, pulling me into his embrace. He reached over me and doused something into his hands, and moments later I felt him wash my hair. He reached downwards, his hands brushing my ass as he gathered up my long curls. He massaged the soap into the curly strands, and I swear I could see his eyes. He helped me rinse out his own hair, and did the same with mine.

I knew what came next, but I was scared. I swallowed my fears and grabbed the bottle of body wash, pouring some of it into my hands. I hesitantly touched his chest, before gaining some confidence and grabbing a wash cloth I brought with me into the shower. I gently scrubbed his chest and shoulders, before reached downwards. I got to his V-line and he didn't say anything, so I assumed it was okay. I finally got low enough and I felt my eyes nearly burst from my head. Whisper released a low, pained growl. I felt him tip his head back slightly, his dark blue eyes glowing softly. 

I knew mine were also glowing. He gripped my arm, but not tightly, and pulled it back. "Fuck-shit, Fable. Do-" he shivered. "Don't." 

I drew my arm back and he took the bottle of body wash from my hands, his own coming to wash my body. He washed my stomach, my arms and my legs, avoiding the most intimate parts of me. He was respecting my privacy. Man. It's gonna be really hard not to fall for this man.

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