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My eyes felt dry and I somehow still managed to peel them open. Bright lights immediately flooded my vision and I felt heavy. Like, my whole soul felt heavy.

I registered the fact that I was definitely in a hospital room of sorts, judging by the pungent smell of chemicals, and that I was laying on a bed. My head felt dizzy, but I wasn't nauseous. I finally spotted the sulking body in the corner of my eye, the familiar broad shoulders of the familiar broad man making me smile the slightest bit. My father.

I moved my hand as best as I could and his head snapped up to mine, his dark red curls shaking with the movement. His eyes were wide and frantic as they scanned my face. He launched from his seat and held my face in his hands, whispering silent thank you's.

"Oh, my dear. You're awake." He widened his eyes and looked behind him. "You're mother is going to wanna see you." He stood up straighter and walked to the twin doors, peeking his head out of one. I could hear his voice say a few words, then the doors burst wide open, revealing my frantic mother.

She squealed in joy upon seeing me awake, her eyes half closed and her crow's feet appearing. "My baby!" She tackled me down into the bed and attacked my face with kisses. I scrunched up my face and coughed out a small Mom in greeting. 

I was happy to see them, then even more happy as two more faces appeared. I smiled widely at my best friend, who had a small smile as well. My brother, of whom had been scowling upon walking in, shook his head at me. I was confused, until he sighed and walked up, his face contorted in a side smile.

"Gosh, Fable. You're so troublesome." I playfully gasped and hit his arm, then pulled him in for a hug. He reluctantly let go and allowed Miles to embrace me as well.

I squealed in delight and kissed his cheek, excited and so happy to see my best friend. I missed him so dearly. "Miles!" I coughed out, making him smile even wider, his pearly whites glaring at me.

"Hey, Fable. How's the head?" He asked, to which I grimaced. "It's okay. I have a slight headache though." I responded, making his smile dim the slightest bit. "I'm so sorry, Fable. I should've tried harder to stop him from taking you." He broke, his eyes falling to the floor in shame.

I shook my head immediately and hugged him again. "No, no. It's not you're fault at all. Even if we've had our disagreements, I'm actually falling for the man." I said distantly. 

Miles' eyebrows raised and he looked utterly shocked. I had to agree; I didn't expect myself to fall for Whisper at all. In fact, I thought I'd hate him, but no. Fate had a funny way of making things happen.

"You're in love with him?" Asked Miles. I blinked, but I didn't actually know how to answer that. Was I in love with him? 

"I... I don't know." I looked up, seeing all of my family peering down at me. My cheeks blushed bright red and I felt the confused gaze of my father scan my neck. The room fell silent.

I immediately knew everyone could see the beautiful mark that was permantly and proudly placed between my collar bone and shoulder. My mother gasped, her dainty hands falling to her mouth and her wide emerald eyes shone with shock. My other family members all held their silence, though I knew the storms raging in their heads were very loud.

Philip was the first to say something. "What the fuck?" He bellowed, breaking my mother's trance long enough for her to smack him upside the head. "Watch your language!" Her eyes turned to mine, some strange emotion I had never seen blooming within them.

My father's eyes, identical to my own, were shining with tears. He cupped my chin with his index finger and his thumb, a proud smile etched onto his face. "Even if I didn't like him before, my god he's made you glow." I felt blush heat up my face and caused Miles to smirk slightly.

"Yeah, Fable. Get some!" He called out, and I scrunched up my face I response. "Ew." He chuckled at my response and kissed my cheek lovingly. Then, something I hadn't predicted happened.

A growl boomed throughout the room, causing all heads to turn and face a very seething Whisper, who looked like he was about to murder Miles. I gasped and his smoldering navy eyes snapped towards mine, his face relieved and still murderous. How is that even possible?

He stormed straight towards me and I couldn't help the squeak that bubbled in my throats from escaping. He glared so heatedly at Miles, I feared he would've caught on fire if he hadn't moved. It was an almost comical sight though.

"She's mine." Whisper said lowly, causing my mother to let out a sigh. "Oh, honey. You're so lucky." I looked at her in question, wondering what she meant. She came to stand beside me as Whisper looked at both of us, Miles' gesture of affection momentarily forgotten.

"The possessive one's are the best in bed." She replied, and I literally started choking on air. My father looked almost embarrassed, but a lusty look filled his eyes as he looked at my mother. They exchanged heated glances and I made a noise that vaguely sounded like I was throwing up. 

"Gross, Mom. What the hell?" She shrugged and stood beside my father. Whisper looked at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking. Before I know it, he contacted me through our wolves' mind link. She's right. I rolled my eyes, my cheeks burning brightly. Shut up, Whisper. In case you haven't forgotten, I'm still mad at you. I guess we'll never guess to test that theory.

His blue eyes widened and he looked genuinely frightened. Philip cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. "Uh, I think it's time that we should leave you guys." He looked at Miles and my parents with a pointed look, throwing a gesturing glance at the hospital doors. 

They nodded and my parents kissed my cheeks, telling me how much they loved me and allowing Philip to say goodbye. He ruffled my tangled red curls and smiled down at me before saying goodbye as well. He gave Whisper a pleading look and I wondering what it meant, but Miles had scooped me up into his arms before I could ask.

I could feel Whisper bristling from the contact and I tried to ignore him, kissing Miles on the cheek just to spite him. "Goodbye, Fable. I love you, and I wanted to tell you about my mate, but I'll have to do it later." I jumped up and squealed excitedly, but Whisper stole me from his arms. 

Miles smiled at me and waved, winking his right eye and nodding at Whisper before exiting the hospital room just like the rest of my family. I sighed sadly, knowing I wouldn't be able to see them for a while, but Whisper grumbled and nuzzled my neck with his nose, causing incoherent thoughts to form. "My beautiful Fable." He murmured against my skin, goosebumps erupting from his hot breath.

"I hope you know I'm not gonna leave your side now, right?" He asked and I sighed again. No shit. I just hope I can trust him again after this.

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