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wowza okay so this is gonna be in angie's pov cause i'm lazy and yea :-)

looking into the mirror as i finish off my makeup, i see georgia walk into my room.
"how the hell did you get in here?" i laugh, it doesn't matter to me how she got in. she's my best friend.
"you left your door unlocked dumbass." shoot. i always forget to do that.
"oh." i turn my body around to actually look at her. i stand up to give her a hug. "you look absolutely gorgeous!"
"thank you, luke helped me pick out the outfit."
"you guys would be so cute together!"
"he was acting really strange when we were facetiming though. like he wouldn't have the camera on him and he was sounding rushed."
"hm, weird." i smile knowing that she has no clue. "anyway, want your first gift?"
"first gift?"
"yes, as in more than one."
"yeah, sure!" she's smiling so wide i'm surprised her face isn't breaking.
i give her a little box with gold and silver wrapping paper on it. she slowly tears off the wrapping paper to see a black box. she gives me a look because she's guessing what's in it. she then opens the box to see four tickets to an all time low concert.
"holy fucking shit! no way!" she gives me a huge hug, which i gladly return.
giggling, i respond, "yes way! it's your favorite band..."
"but why four tickets?"
"that's the second part!"
looking at georgia, i see that she's confused. i laugh at her and go back to finishing my makeup.

"wait here." i tell georgia as i stand up from our table.
"alright?" she questions me but i'm walking away already to explain.
i walk closer to the door and i look around to see who's all in the building. i don't see calum yet, so i know they aren't here. i look at my phone to see if luke has messaged me, but with seeing he hasn't i look at my instagram. as i'm scrolling through, i notice i have a new dm. i look to see who it's from and when i notice it's from jake, i roll my eyes. i open the message anyway.

simmerjake: you look so hot in that outfit baby 🤤

i roll my eyes before responding to the message anyway.

bbgangie: hey bud, let's not do that.
simmerjake: i just want a piece of that ass tho
bbgangie: and you wonder why you're single...

i see that he responded but i don't open it. i look up from my screen just in time to see luke and calum walk through the door. i see that luke sees me but calum doesn't. so as luke's dragging calum my way, i listen to their conversation as they get closer.

"why in the hell are we here? why do you even have a present?"calum complains as he follows luke like a lost puppy. "why aren't you answering my questions? i've asked you like a million times!"
"do you ever shut up?" luke snaps back at him.
"no, now explain!"  calum stops walking, he still doesn't see me, which surprises me considering i'm right in front of him.
"okay, i'll explain." luke says to him.
"really? yay!" calum smiles and i almost aw at how cute he looks, but i cannot as he is then shoved into me.
"oh my god! i'm so sor- oh my god! angie!" calum looks at me and gives me a huge hug.
"hey cal!" i say back with a laugh. "come on guys. follow me."
i take calums hand and they follow me over to where georgia is sitting. she's there staring at her phone looking really bored.
"okay wait here for a minute, i'm going to cover her eyes." i walk over to angie and stand right beside her.
"i'm gonna cover your eyes really quick, is that okay?" she gives me a confused look before nodding.
i then cover her eyes and tell luke and calum to come over here with a head nod. i then nod to the seat across from georgia to get luke to sit there. he quickly obliges and sits down.
"one, two, three!" i count down before taking my hands off her eyes. when she opens the herself, she screams.
"angie! that's luke fucking hemmings sitting in front of me!" she turns around with a surprised look on her face.
"i know! and look over there," i point to calum. "he's a hottie as well!"
"okay angie, we all get it. you and calum have hot kinky sex. shut up and let me have my moment!" georgia laughs as my face, along with calums, turns red.
she then stands up and goes over to luke who stands up as well. she gives him a really big hug and when she pulls away she sees the gift that was brought along with him.
"is that for me?" she asks while pointing to it.
"yes! it is." luke says handing it over. "i hope you like it, my mom helped me pick it out."
"aw that's so cute! and i'm sure i'll like whatever you give me." she says with a wink.
she then opens the present to see a little silver necklace with two connected hearts in the middle of it.
"oh my god, this is so pretty! i love it so much, thank you luke." she gushes with a smile. "can you help me put it on?"
"i mean i can try but you might want angie to help you." luke laughs while taking it from her hands. he struggles to clip it but after a little while of standing there, he finally gets it.
"wait angie, was this my other gift?" she asks me while tilting her head to the side a little.
"yeah, it was." i say with a smile.
"thank you, this was honestly the best birthday present ever!" she says giving me a big hug.
"hey you are 22, that deserves to be celebrated!" i smile at her. she smiles back before taking likes hand.
"wanna dance?" she asks him.
"i'm really bad but since it's your birthday tomorrow, i can try. just for you." he says smiling at her before she drags him away from us into the large crowd of people dancing.
i sit down at the table and calum does the same, sitting next to me.
"so what's the princess doing tonight after this?" he asks with a smug look on his face.
"i'm not sure, probably gonna go home and sleep. georgia is most definitely going home with luke tonight so im just happy i won't have to deal with her and her hangover." i laugh as i look at my boyfriend. boyfriend. that's such a weird thing to say about someone who you've only hung out with once. but i know he's the one for me. no matter what happens it will always be him.
"sounds like you're living the dream over there." he laughs. "want to come to my place? we can cuddle and watch movies... make out if you want too."
"i'd love to!"
"great." he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.
i look around the room as we sit there without talking. i then see the devil himself from across the room. he smirks when he notices me looking at him and slowly makes his way over here.
"cal... babe, you know that jake guy?"
"yes, i know the little fucker. why?"
"well uh, he's walking over here." i say, my voice an octave or two higher than normal.
"oh my god. just like act really affectionate towards me. i wanna piss him off a bit." calum says.
"oh my god calum, okay. if you say so." i mentally face plant on how stupid my boyfriend is. but i do as he says and move to sit on his lap. just as i get situated, jake is at the table.
"well if it isn't little miss perfect in the flesh!" jake says, in a sarcastic tone. i don't understand why he said it that way but i soon figure it out.
"leave her alone jake." calum says his grip on my waist becoming tighter.
"i wasn't talking about my little princess over here. i was talking about you." jake laughs as he takes a seat.
"jake, just go. no one invited you over here." i say as i move around on calums lap, making him groan and tell me to stop moving. which of course, i don't listen to him.
"well i invited myself over here baby, can't you see that? i came here to get something and i intend to leave with it." he says as he leans into his arm, which is propped against the table.
"well you aren't gonna leave here with me. sorry buddy." i tell him as i move once more against calum. i soon fell his hard-on against my thigh. i smirk as i push my butt back against him. i feel him breath in and hold it to keep himself from making any noise. i smirk at this.
"that's too bad. i could fill you much better than this dipshit over here." he says while smirking. at this calum takes his hand and rubs it up and down the inside of my thighs. i feel goosebumps on my arms and legs.
"i doubt that." calum says while laughing.
"yeah? well my dick is 14 inches long." jake says with a smirk.
"you do realize how stupid you sound right now?" i say as calum puts his hand on the outside of my lace panties.
i spread my legs a little to give him for room.
"i don't sound stupid. i sound practical." jake says while looking at my cleavage. when calum notices this he quickly goes to the inside of my panties and sticks one of his fingers inside of me. i bite my tongue to hold back a moan.
"baby, let those pretty noises slip out. let him know who owns you." calum whispers into my ear.
"yes daddy." i say as my breathing quickens along with his finger.
"stop staring at her chest." calum practically growls at him. he puts another finger in and goes in and out slowly, his thumb gliding over my clit every once in a while making me moan quietly.
"what are you doing to her?" jake asks as he sees me lean back onto calums chest as a moan slips out of my mouth.
"nothing of your concern. but if you need to know, pleasuring her more than you could." calum says with a sickly sweet smile.
jake scoffs before standing up. "i'll get you one day angie. one day you will see that i'm so much better than calum hood."
"well i'm glad he's gone." calum says while pulling his fingers out of me. i whine when he does this. "let's finish this at home, shall we?"
"yes!" i say a little too fast.
i get up and follow calum out of of the club and into his car. and if we are being honest, i couldn't wait to get to his house.

so uh how about that. anywayyy y'all won't be hating jake for long sooo :)

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