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well, this certainly was long waited. sorry yall :/


"angie! let me do that, you are actually going to burst soon!"  angies mother bursts into the kitchen taking the cake from her.

"mom, it's okay! im fine, i can still do normal things." angie laughs but lets her mother do it anyway.

"i just don't want you to overwork yourself, that's all." she says as she walks into the dining room where calum is setting the table for dessert. angie lets out a small happy sigh as she follows her into the warm room.

calum pulls out one of the chairs for her, "here you go baby." he kisses her head once shes seated and then he goes and pulls one out for sara.

"thank you, again, for coming sara. it means so much to us that you could be here tonight. especially me. i wanted you to be here for my announcement." calum says smiling to the family that has so lovingly let him into their lives.

"announcement? i didn't know you had an announcement." sara says surprised, as she thought that this was just a normal dinner.

"me neither, what's up cal?" angie asks confused.

"you will see when the time is right. anyway, i think its time for dessert!" calum says as he grabs the knife to slice up the chocolaty goodness.

"okay? if you say so." angie says with a small laugh.

soon enough the cake is being placed on plates and forks are soon being scraped against the platter, trying to get every little crumb and frosting smear possible.

"hey babe, could you hand me another one?" angie says to calum while handing him her plate.

"of course love. eating for two, are we?" calum says, as he laughs at his own little joke while angie just rolls her eyes. angies mom lets out a little chuckle as she just looks between her child and the man that she loves. its what she wishes she had.

angie quickly starts to scarf down her second piece as calum gets up to go to the bathroom.

"i'll be right back. im just going to stop in the toilet." he says as hes already halfway out of the room. they both just nod as sara gets up to put the plates in the sink before sitting down again just in time to see calum come back.

"angie," calum starts with a shaky breath. his eyes are watering from what angie can see. she looks at him with eyes of confusion. "i love you so so much. you mean the world to me."

"i-i love you too. whats up cal? are you okay?" she starts to get worried and stands up.

"more than okay," he says before getting down on one knee. "angelina joan christie, will you make me the happiest man in the entire universe and marry me?"

calum pulls out the ring with shaky hands as he awaits angies response. her hands are covering her mouth and tears are running down her face. sara is smiling so hard as she bounces in her seat.

"yes, oh my god yes." angie chokes out as she hugs calum around the neck.

__(idk how birth works, sorry yall)

angie wakes up to a wet spot on the bed beneath her. for a second, she thinks that she has wet herself before coming to her senses and turning to wake up calum.
"cal... calum!" she shakes him as she slowly stands up.
"wha-what's wrong?" he asks, looking slightly past her with half-opened eyes.
"my water broke." she calmly states as she puts on some new comfortable dry clothes.
"oh my god! i wasn't ready," calum falls out of the bed as he tries to stand up. "i'm unprepared. i don't know what to do!"
"cal, cal. you are okay! grab the baby bag and the-" she stops as a small contraction hits her. she grabs her stomach with a small groan.
"oh my god, i'm gonna faint." calum says as he sits down.

"You are fine. deep breath in, and out." angie says while giggling slightly. "come on cal, we need to get to the hospital."


"cal! slow down. you are going way too fast!" angie throws her arms out in front of her.

"sorry, sorry. just you are about to give birth and im going to be a dad. oh my god! im going to be a DAD!" cal starts to panic as he pulls up to a red light.

"it's okay. you are okay. we are almost to the hospital." angie says before she hunches over slightly in her seat with a groan.


"my wifes about to pop! someone help us!" calum runs into hospital with the baby bag, angies purse, and a backpack.

the nurses look at him slightly confused before they see angie walk in slowly behind him. three nurses run-up to her to help her get into a wheelchair before they wheel her into a hospital room. calum hustles to keep up, wanting to be by angies side the entire time.


soon enough angie is bouncing on a yoga ball, stretching, and dancing with calum.

calums arms are resting gently on the sides of angie, as her arms are wrapped around his neck and head is pressed against his chest.

"i love you." calum places a kiss to the top of angies head.

"i love you too. so much." angie whispers as she looks up to calum. she wraps her arms around him just a little tighter, not wanting to forget this moment.

"i can't wait to meet her."


"i have a feeling it is going to be a girl. she is going to be the cutest thing."

angie looks up to the man she loves the most and with the biggest smile she says, "yeah. she will be."


calums hand is in so much pain as angie lets go to hold the small child. after 17 hours of labor, their baby was finally here. it was a girl, coming in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces.

"what would you like to name her?" the nurse asks them with a smile.

"emma. emma marie hood." calum speaks for the both of them, as they have spoken of baby names a few days earlier.

"alright, i will get her birth certificate set up for her."

"thank you." angie whispers as she looks at the kid.

they soon enough take her away to clean her up and put her in actual baby clothes.

"i really do love you so much. and now i also have our little girl to love as well. but don't worry angie, you always will be my babygirl." calum lets out a loud laugh as he winks at his fiance.

"oh my god! don't say that, i no longer can call you daddy." angie says as she goes to hold calums hand.

"i mean, you still can.. if you really wanted to." calum reaches his hand up to move angies sweaty hair out of her face.

angie scrunches up her nose, "you are so gross. now give me a kiss."

cal laughs as he leans down to press a kiss to her lips. and then they both sit and wait for emma to come back to them.

finally, they are building a small little family.


wowwowwow okay. sorry that this took so long to come out and sorry it is so bad. literally every single part of this is written in different months lmao.

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