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wowie okay, i'm back. also 3rd person again? woooo!

it was the day of the family brunch, along with calum. to say angie was nervous, was an understatement. she was completely terrified that her parents would disapprove and never talk to her again, which she is hoping is not the case.

soon enough, her and calum are on their way to the cafe. as a way to help angie with her stress and fear, calum grabs her hand and gives it a small squeeze. she smiles back at him and lets out a shaky breath.

"are you doing good?" cal asks her with slight worry in his voice.

"yeah, perfectly fine!" she says with a little too much enthusiasm.

"you sure?"


after that, it is silent other than the sound of the radio and the slight humming from calum, which helps calm angie down.

they pull up to the place, and calum is getting ready to get out but angie stops him and when calum asks what's wrong, she just sits there in silence. he just doesn't understand that her parents aren't going to be as accepting as his. that they will have to really talk about this with them and many questions will be asked that go way into their personal business.

"okay, let's go." angie gets out of the car, almost too slowly. but way too soon, they reach the door.

they stop a minute and angie takes a deep breath before she opens the door and walks in, calum right behind her. she looks around until she sees her parents. they look like what a book would describe the "perfect" set and look for parents. the slight plumper lady, with curves and looks like she stays home and would do crafts and cook all day. the older stronger man, who mows grass and goes to the gym. if you put them with angie, they look almost like the perfect family. but if you go back to angies later years in middle school and high school, the perfect family is anything but perfect.


last day of angies sophomore year...

angie walks into her slightly overpriced home and as predicted she hears yelling.

"shes a dumbass! she isn't good enough for this family and she never will be!" angies dads voice booms through the house as his voice gets louder and louder.

"john! you take that back... she's trying her hardest. shes our daughter for fucks-sake!" her mother yells back with slightly less force, the poor woman. (i don't remember if i gave her parents names? i don't think i did but im not sure)

"well, its true sara! shes a lowlife, what has she done in the past year to help us out?"

"she just turned fucking sixteen a few months ago! what do you expect from her? shes a teenage girl!"

"it doesn't matter! at sixteen i was helping my family on the farm from when i woke up to when i left to school and then i did the same thing from when i got done with my homework to when i went to bed."

this is when angie decides to walk into the kitchen, considering this is the only way into the dining room, where she does her homework.

"oh! hi angie, how was school sweetie?" her mother asks as soon as she sees her.

"it was good mother. and times change dad and we don't live on a farm."

"don't talk back to me like that young lady!"

"well stop talking shit about me behind my back like that! you do it all the time and it ends in the same way. i hear you saying it and i come in to defend myself so i don't look so pitiful and useless but then i end up on the floor and crying because you decide to hit me! you are a child abuser and the world should hear it!" angie gets more upset and angry the longer she talks. she can see her mothers' eyes widen and her jaw drop. she sees her father face redden and his fists clench. she knew then, that shes made a huge mistake. she should have walked out of the house the minute she heard this.

"you are in so much trouble angelina christie." (have i said her full name?? idk?) her fathers' voice is calm but his body says differently. hes slowly walking towards angie, whos now cowering backward towards the fridge.

soon enough shes pressed against the fridge and she feels a hand collide with her cheek. she lets out a weak cry and grabs at her cheek which is now turning red.

"don't fucking say that, you little bitch."

"im sorry father. i didn't mean it." she says as tears stream down her face.

"good." her father then storms out of the room into his bedroom to do who knows what.

she looks at her mother, but she's looking anywhere but angie. angie can see the tears in her eyes that she's holding in.

"mama." angie whispers as she starts to take a few steps towards her. but her mother takes one look at her and the tears start coming. instead of going to her daughter, she walks out of the kitchen into the living room with tears streaming down her face.

this leaves sixteen-year-old angelina christie crying alone in the kitchen holding the handprint left behind by her own father.

*end flashback*

it's a shame that over the time period of eight years, angies father has slowly changed angies mother into the emotionless woman she is today. all she feels is anger and disappointment in her daughter.

as they walk over to her family, memories start flooding back into angies head and she tries her hardest to push them back.

as they sit at the table, angie across from her mother and calum across from her father, they have an awkward couple minutes before angie speaks up.

"can we make this quick? i have things to do and people to see."

"angelina, you shall hold your tongue in our presence. your mother or i will be the one to ask questions and talk first. you and your... whatever he is shall wait your turn." her father snaps back at her.

"excuse me sir, but with all due respect, i believe that your daughter is the one with the announcement and the news. so please, stop talking and listen to her." calum says as he leans back in his chair. john looks at him surprised before puffing up his chest and looking at angie for her to continue.

"um okay, well as you know, im pregnant, with calums baby. we aren't sure on the gender yet as we just recently found out. but i will let you guys know as soon as we find out."

"oh, angelina! thats so exciting!" her mothers says while cracking a slight smile.

"please, i go by angie now. but thank you!" she says while looking at her mother in awe. its been many years since she's seen her mother like this, happy and smiling.

"oh okay, that's fine." she says, as she falls back into her demeanor.

"well angie, i am very disappointed that you went and were this irresponsible-"

she cuts off her father, "i am an adult. i am perfectly capable of making my own decisions. anyway, i know this was very short lived and completely unnecessary. but we will be going now. goodbye john, goodbye mother. i'll see you sometime soon."

and with that, calum and angie get up and leave.


well damn okay. this is bad and kinda short and rushed and it has been a while so im a little rusty. sorry for being so inactive. i love yall! please keep voting and commenting! it motivates me to keep updating!

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