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Ally's POV
I'm so sorry axel that my reputation is going to be ruined because I choose you. Bam.

Me- I choose you.

Axel- you sure. You can't ever back down from our relationship. Your mine. I love you.

I looked up and met his piercing silver eyes.

Me- I'm positive
I said softly

He was quick but he was soon in front of me and his lips were on mine. I kissed back. Then I heard things one and thing two.

Thing one+thing two- CALLED IT. AXY IS A THING.
They squealed.

Me and Axel pulled away from each other and looked up at my balcony where thing one and thing two were. Time for me to go scary mode. Even though I'm fucking drenched from the rain.

I pulled away from axel and jumped on the trampoline close to my window and then jumped on my balcony doing a back flip going through the doors and going after thing one and thing two. They didn't get far. They both fell down.

They were mad that I got them wet and then I ended up putting some makeup on them even though it looks like trash because they move a lot. When I let them go. Ace and Axel walked in. I was now leaning against the wall.

Ace and Axle bursted our laughing. I smirked and walked to my closet and changed. I walked out and saw that thing one was in my bra drawer.

Me- ey. Thing one. Out of there.

He stopped and slowly turned around.

Thing one- where are the makeup wipes. I'm going to get makeup acne.

Me- douche head. It's all gone. I used the last one last night

They both screamed in defeat and ran out of my room. I fixed my bra drawer. And my underwear. They went through my underwear drawer.

I then plopped down on my bed. Pretty soon I'm going to have to leave this place to go with axel. Leave my big brother. Leave my gang. My family. My life. To a whole other life. I'm actually scared. I then ended up falling asleep.

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