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Ally's POV
Axle started to clean my wound. I just let him. He insisted on it even though I was going to do it myself.

Axle- it's pretty deep but it should be fine
He mumbled

I nodded and got up from the stool. I was about to walk to my closet when I was spun around by Axle. He smashed his lips into mine. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling him closer to him. He brushed his tongue across the bottom of my lip. I moan slightly. Feeling his smirk against the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch. We then pulled away. Breathless.

Then he walked out. I'm done. I'm so fucking done. He always walks out. I didn't have any blood on me so I walked downstairs past axle ignoring his stare.

You piss me off Axel, it's best not to mess with me.

I then walked to the gym and started with weight lifting. Alex, Thing one, and thing two joined me.

Alex- what's wrong Ally. I haven't seen you this worker up in two years.

Last time I was like this was when... I was raped. Two years ago. By Jonathon White. My ex boyfriend.

Me- nothing.
I muttered

Alex- Ally Monroe O'Ryan. You better stop lying to me. Who the hell pissed you off.

Her mom and dad walked in and gave her the your in trouble stare

Me- no cursing ally
I mumbled

She glared at me and I ignored

Alex- alright. Let's go ally. Training for gymnastics.

I led her to the gymnastic gym and we both started doing stuff. She is as good as me. We were both doing the same things.

Alex is amazing. My performance was this. A little clip from Alex. She recorded it like recorded hers. Axle, thing one, thing two, Sadie, Cole, and Ace were all now watching.

Sadie is almost five months pregnant.

Alex- your awesome.

Me- your awesome
I mimicked

Sadie- I wish I were able to do gymnastics with you but I can't.

Alex- you can. A lot of pregnant women do gymnastics.

Cole- no Sadie.

Sadie was smirking. I went wide eyed. Then Sadie began.

There was a lot more cart wheels. Back flips. Round offs. And a lot more of everything. Cole tried to get her multiple times. As did I.

I was wide eyed. But by the end I was smirking.

Sadie was now standing beside me.

Me- that was...


Me- I'm so doing that if I'm ever pregnant.

She laughed as did I. Then we were soon on the ground watching. Alex was poking us in the side making us laugh harder.

Sadie- you aren't even drunk and your laughing like me when I'm hormonal
She laughed out

I laughed harder. The guys were watching us to amused. I needed to get up. I went to do a back flip but then I started laughing so I fell back down. I sat up.

Sadie- better

Me- no. My stomach hurts now.
I whined

She started laughing. Then she motioned me to do our little thing. I nodded. I got lined up with her. Five feet away. I then did a back bend and did a back flip and was soon standing. She was up soon to.

Me- you cant do that no more. Your asking for your water to break.

She threw her head back and started laughing.

Cole- I agree with ally.

I smiled. They seem so happy. I want to have a guy like that. Start a family. I don't know if that is actually how axle feels.

Alex was soon beside me.

Alex- you alright.

Ace and Axle were helping the twins with back bends

Me- I'm fine.
I muttered

I then ran out of the room to mine and into my bathroom. I turned the shower in and sat down on the floor. Not changing and let the tears fall.

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